Schumann, Protons, Plasma


whew!  well i would say the schumann spikes align w/the protons.  and the plasma is really dense which could explain why i feel like i am moving in a rather floaty fog at the moment.  anxiety is also quite intense now and is most noticeable when i am engaged in an activity and someone else is requesting i do this or that.  doing this or that when i am already doing has become very challenging.  i’m still recovering from several days of birthday celebrations.  i did not speak much of the party but let’s just say it got so chaotic i had to end it early and send home those children who were absolutely out-of-control manic (stuff getting broken, kids getting hurt, not listening to my mate or myself).  our daughter and 2 of her other friends were overwhelmed, requesting quiet so i handled it.  the energy in the space dropped 1000% after i cleared what needed clearing.  i reflected on this later.  while it is of course normal for children to have more energy – this manic type behavior is not “normal” as in “natural” but a result of misguided energy as well as an struggle to self-regulate.  we work with our girl on this and she is actually, overall, a very reflective, easy-going child who is very sensitive to loud environments and chaos.  those energies are getting purged as they are not going with us so wow – yes – they are amped up right now.  saw some children in the store today melting down.  who isn’t melting down now and then these days?  last night i was on my knees releasing some intense grief.  i had tried finding my center yesterday and just absolutely missed the mark – until i released those tears – then i was quickly returned to Centered Me.

i will admit it is very difficult right now being a parent.  you know the new is coming and when surrounded by old and seeing the old as your only options (when the old just does not align in the slightest) and when you are surrounded by those who aren’t in tune with much less open to incoming new, it makes it even more of a challenge.  i long for a like-minded mama friend who not only aligns with the new but sees it unfolding in the midst of the chaos.  everyone i speak with agrees with the increased chaos but they think it only originates in DC and most of them believe it to be coming from the Trump Administration.  lots of deep breathing these days as i refrain from engaging in any sort of drama – especially the political kind.  just not doing it.

deep breathing.  staying in the heart.  releasing what needs to be released. and a lot of conscious talk with self and others.  and as always – keeping the boundaries up and asserting what is and is not ok.  something big this way comes.




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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.