Schumann ~ rainbow pattern continuing (and more indication of separation)


when i say “separation” i am saying that because we’ve all been more or less stuck in one frequency in this realm, with this impending transition we will be fully free to heartfully CHOOSE the type of experience we want without ANY power over games/rules/systems…..and as such we are seeing a variety of frequencies showing up (including as Wages World says below – one is at 17 hz)…..we’re one – but not the same – and not all will be having the same outcome (which is very much apparent given the differing perceptions shared on just the topic of the event/transition)…..




UPDATE:  Mate was listening to this one.  Has some interesting perspective on frequencies and how we are being divinely assisted.  As this guy says, when you have two frequencies, the lower one, when exposed to a higher frequency, will rise up to the higher.  Beautiful.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.