ScopEx May Soon Be Underway in Arizona — Unnamed Material Sprayed in AZ Stratosphere to “Unknown” Env., Effect, Raising Millions for Harvard


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June 20, 2018   Dr Naomi Wolf

DailyClout has been reporting on the planned ScopEx experiment in Arizona, using a new geoengineering technology called “Solar Radiation Management” or SRM. The experiment is being run by a Harvard consortium, including Dr David Keith, Dr Gernot Wagner, and, in a stunning conflict of interest, Harvard’s Vice Provost, Dr Dustin Tingley.

ScopEx means that Dr David Keith and his team will release an unnamed particulate from a weather balloon or other form of aircraft, in the stratosphere over Tucson Arizona. The planned release is for 2017-1018, which means that it is either late, or already underway.

Community concerns in Arizona involve the fact that Harvard won’t confirm the nature of the particulate: Dr Keith has identified it at times as “sulphates”, meaning pollution; “alumina”, which has serious health hazards if inhaled and has been linked to Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s Disease and dementia; and chalk. Thought the experiment has been planned for 2017-2018, Dr Keith and Harvard won’t confirm when the flights will begin, or indeed if they are already underway. They won’t confirm how many flights are planned, or how much material wil be released over the people of Arizona. Some climate scientists fear that such a release, with many unknown outcomes, may further damage the ozone layer.

Another serious concern that DailyClout and many of its Arizona community members share, is that the larger  environmental effects of ScopEx are, according to geoengineering industry reports, “unknown.”  The health effects of the release of this particulate — in amounts that aren’t disclosed, just as the particulate itself is not being disclosed — are unknown.

The scientists leading the push to adopt SRM tech do confirm that once SRM has begun, it would have to be continued (by the way, generating massive profits for Harvard, Dr Keith, Bill Gates and the VCs and hedge funds that have invested in ScopEx) and that if it is ever stopped, “catastrophic warming” would result.

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.