Some Energy Graph Reads ~ Electrons, Protons, Magneto and My Inner Dialogue/Feeeeels


Well maybe this explains my “stuff”.  The need to sleep.  The INTENSE overwhelming NEED to be alone in quiet/peace.  At the store today I saw several people I know.  Wrong day for that to happen.  I did however pause and reflect – is this guiding me to be patient or push beyond my “leave me alone” state.  Nope.  It was guiding me to honor my experience and not engage in conversation beyond a nod/acknowledgement.  Which is what I did.

A neighbor popped in and in talking brought up the – what do I call it – the nonsensical sick twisted bullshit of this ceremony honoring the most horrific of swamp creatures.  I immediately put up my hand and said I could not speak about this topic.  At.  All.  And…to please respect that.

Just the knowing there was a proclaimed national day of mourning is enough for me.  Knowing another date – fake date – got moved because of this ongoing “war/game”.  Trust the plan?  Isn’t this OUR plan?  OUR experience? After seeing what the people of France are doing, I would totally support the Vets/Former Vets, etc. hitting the streets, storming Congress and enacting citizen’s arrest.  I can’t stomach seeing these animals walk the streets freely much less knowing they participated in today’s “ceremony” of darkness.  The only solace I find is knowing we can put to rest a very dark period of stories.  FOR GOOD.  FOR our good.

On to other things of a more high vibe/loving word….

I have been feeling the dragons.  Had a dream or two – brief and fleeting – and given a video or two I have seen that clearly show some large dragon-like creature, coupled with Lisa Harrison’s group and their intel, I know they are here.  Doing their part and for that I have deep gratitude.

I saw something interesting last night that said focusing for 17 seconds brings forth our desire.  (interesting number isn’t it?  17.  Q.  plus the pulse that was sent around the globe on 11/11 is said to have come in 17 second intervals…something interesting/cosmic/powerful about that number…)…..So if we all focus on NEW EARTH MERGE we will experience that.  Waiting?  I object.  Freedom allows – always – in all ways – to experience your heart’s desire and creation.  And I will continue to hold this energy – move it – flow it TOWARDS – and speak these words Until.

That is all.  The spikes below speak for themselves.  As for the magnetopause ~ “stuff” continues to enter this realm.




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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.