Some Lin Wood Awesomeness


As I have said here before – I never did trust DeSantis.  IMO, every Gov. who shutdown their states is guilty of crimes against humanity.  Only ONE Governor didn’t comply – Kristi Noem of SD.  Enjoy these little gems from Mr. Wood (I know I did):

What has Florida Governor Ron DeSantis been up to lately?

Has he sought to have a full forensic audit performed of the November 2020 election in Florida?

Has he been vocally supporting the audit in Arizona and pushing for other states to audit November 2020?

Has he made clear that the legislation he signed in May 2021 will NEVER allow law enforcement to enforce mandatory medical treatments on Florida citizens, including vaccinations?

Is he attending the Trump Rally tonight in Sarasota?

Is he swinging and missing 92-mph fastballs despite his claims to the contrary?

Asking for a friend.


I love his humor.  I had just one dream of him and he was quite charming – very authentic.

RINO-20 is a political virus that seems to be prevalent in the Republican Party.

The most common symptoms are politicians who support President Trump when the infected Republican wants to use Trump to raise money or get votes BUT after using Trump, the infected politician refuses to fight for Trump.

Genuine Trump supporters, real Patriots, and those fighting to investigate and fix the November 2020 election appear from all reports to have a natural immunity to RINO-20.

I have seen actual cases of RINO-20 in Georgia and South Carolina.

There are strong indications that RINO-20 exists in Florida.

Are you aware of reports of RINO-20 in other states?

I am afraid RINO-20 is a nationwide Republican plandemic.

And there are growing rumors of variants, such as, RINO-21, RINO-22, and RINO-24.

As Deputy Barney Fife used to say, when it comes to RINO-20, we need to “nip it in the bud.”

Do you agree with Barney?

July 4th is a day to remember and celebrate our heroes.

My Hero is below.


Check out the image on his dog’s cast.  lol  How many times have I asked here “When have you seen Batman and T in the same room?”


And next – he addresses the poke issue…Question is (for me):  Why is he doing this now?  My feeeeel is the truth about it is about to be fully exposed….The time for him to address it is now….And notice he puts the term vaccine in quotes….Interesting….Details…..

I know that many are confused by President Trump’s position on the “vaccine” or the “shot” as he often describes it.

I do not represent President Trump. I do not advise President Trump. So I certainly do not claim to speak for him. Heck, he endorsed Drew “Biden Won” McKissick!!! Ha! 😎

But I have believed for the last 4+ years that President Trump is doing his imperfect best to do God’s will for our country.

President Trump is the consummate White Hat. He loves America. He loves We The People.

I love President Trump. I trust him. And I respect his decisions even if I myself might disagree with him at times or not completely understand a given decision he makes.

So let’s talk about the “vaccine.” We still have enough First Amendment freedom left to do so and it is July 4th!

So here we go.

In order to understand any Presidential decision made in the 1 1/2 to 2 years, you must accept that our country is at war.

We have been attacked by bioterrorism, cyber terrorism, and an attempted theft of our national election. The enemies are foreign and domestic. The enemies are the Communists, Globalists, and the Deep State. Their stated goal is one world government with a ruling elite class and a servant class. They want to destroy the middle class. President Trump will never allow America to be part of a one world government. America will govern itself. America First.

What must a Commander in Chief do during war?

Make some very difficult decisions.

So let’s continue the discussion with the above in mind.

Can you imagine the consequences if the enemies had been successful in locking down our country and the world for 1-2 years based on the fears of the public fueled by the exaggerated death counts and 24/7 propaganda media fear mongering?

Covid was a man made viral weapon intended to create fear. It was also a serious respiratory flu which would be expected to cause deaths in certain at risk members of the population, as the flu historically does on an annual basis.

The introduction of a “vaccine” on a warp speed basis would help remove or dramatically reduce the fear factor and prevent a collapse of the middle class and the economy from a lockdown.

Can you imagine the consequences if we had to wait 2+ years for a “fully approved vaccine?”

And if the “vaccine” was designed to harm recipients, that harm would occur in either event.

So one could speculate that the President made a decision to get the “vaccine” available to the public to minimize the casualties of war.

President Trump described Covid as the flu. He made it clear that hydroxychloroquine was an effective treatment. And he had always made clear that the “vaccine” should NOT be mandatory.

People who did not fear the virus would be disinclined to take the “vaccine.” But for those living in fear, the “vaccine” would alleviate the fear.

Of course, I may be wrong in my effort to make sense out of Operation Warp Speed. I am certain to be branded a conspiracy theorist by the enemy but what’s new about that accusation? The enemy always attacks the messenger when the message cannot be attacked because it is TRUTH.

But do keep in mind that I am expressing my opinion on the exercise of my lawful right of free speech to stimulate critical thinking on the part of others so that individuals will hopefully do their own research and draw their own conclusions.

The bottom line is that I trust and respect President Trump and believe he is acting in the best interests of America.

So I am willing to wait for President Trump’s explanation when he believes it is the right time to provide it to the American people.

I also believe that there are a LOT of moving parts in what could be described as a high level game of chess for our freedom.

I believe President Trump is an excellent chess player. I am not. So I am glad he is our President!!!

We live in extraordinary times.


And this – from The Art of War (to tie in to this chess game playing out)….

“If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles.”
– Sun Tzu

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

10 thoughts on “Some Lin Wood Awesomeness”

  1. I’m done, period. Above and over it and those that fell for it. This past friggin going on 18 months now; a year and a half basically of my (our) life…. has been f**king wasted, and for what, exactly? I used to think there was and tried to find the hidden silver lining in this whole mess, and have not. I’ve exhaustingly tried understanding, compassion, seeing ‘their side’ even though they never cared to see ours. And not to say that no good has come from it, there are some perks, as with any situation even when mostly bad, but that’s to be expected with anything and is just a minimal amount of collateral coincidence, and has not been enough to offset any of this happening. Do I think, though that the world needing a collective slap in the face and a major shakeup, yes of course. But, did it need to happen through such dishonesty and evil, no. And it didn’t really do much anyway for so many people who need a swift kick in the head, the ones that needed the awakening. If anything it only made shit worse. It only hardened and closed their tiny little minds even more.
    So, with that said…
    Do I believe there was ever a virus – NO.
    Do I think there was something that was said to be made in a lab and then released as so to promote fear and mob hysteria – SURE (let me be clear here though and make it known that the power of suggestion and that the theory of a lie told enough times eventually becomes truth, and the gullibility of people is a very powerful and effective recipe- one that the media and others cooked to perfection).
    Do I think that after the seeds of fear are sufficiently planted, that they swooped in and saved the day with a controlling poke that wouldn’t have been taken on such a mass level without such a twisted plot concocted as to make morons, I mean people, thinking by taking it they’re (for once in their miserable lives) doing the right thing – you F**KIN-A BET I DO.
    Do I think that people naturally dying from this lie is nothing more than an average flu season – YES.
    Do I think that people are UNnaturally dying from the poke – DUH, YEAH.
    Do I think that this whole f**ked up mess is a grand and disturbingly sad display of what I’ve been saying for years, that people (minus about 10 percent who really should inherit a new Earth sans the remaining 90 percent) are in fact f**king stupid and cannot think for themselves – YUP!

    So, wear your masks, get yer poke, get on your self-righteous soapbox on race/gender/political/religious/etc. issues, keep on thinking you’re right by getting defensive at the truth, go on and keep shoving your beliefs down people’s throats by making sure EVERYf**kingbody knows them although only by primarily trolling on social media because you’re too cowardly to do it in person (and also funny how the ones that know a.k.a. us never feel the need to shout from the mountain tops and seek forced validation like these insecure and pathetic people), yeah keep doing all these things and more you sweet good people you. I encourage it. Because the more you act out and run your mouths, as I silently stand there and observe with my smirk of knowing on my face, the more you only prove my point. So really, it’s a classic catch 22, the harder you try the dumber you become. Like that Stephen King story where the more the guy ate the hungrier he became and eventually starved to death.
    So I suppose all of these people should be careful what they wish for. I’m just going sit back and watch it happen as they metaphorically eat themselves and each other to death.

    But as always, I emphatically digress.

  2. Lin Wood is awesome indeed. Could listen to that man and read his words all day. Been thinking there is more to him than meets the eye for a while now.

    As he is want to mention……..Every Lie Will Be Revealed!!

    Having slept on it and had time to digest The Gaffer’s speech last night (another late one here finishing at after 3am) my tuppence worth is that it was exactly as expected, it is just an escalation from last weeks where truths were told and bad actors revealed with a bit of what is to come and what is still to be realised. We are most definitely building up to something. The problem for us truth seekers is that we are now at the point of saturation in terms of what is being revealed incrementally and as such is becoming increasingly difficult to predict what is likely to happen first…The Fog of War?…..There were strong hints about The Media corruption and the need for that to be put down (let’s hope so, and quickly), Big Tech information control and also the whole question of ‘who shot Ashli Babbit?’ and the Jan 6th events. More names were put front and centre like McConnell and others guilty of Treason so to me it is all just prepping the subconscious of the growing waking masses for what is to come. I have always thought that ‘America First’ as a campaign slogan actually meant that America would be first in terms of the Global takeback as part of the ongoing covert irregular warfare and not from the standpoint of politics and societal governance and I still stand by that. America will be the first domino and beach-head from which all other countries on earth will follow and rise up against the last remnants of the tyranny in their homelands and finally put them all to the sword once and for all so that we can get on with this humanity thing!


  3. Yesterday, I read a post on this site about Nuernberg trials starting, and the Zoom link. Today, I tried to find it, and came up with nada, zip!(Did I jump timelines , again?) I went through all your posts carefully. You were asking in the post if anyone could verify its authenticity, and gave the link. Would you be so kind and repost it. It was supposed to be an all day affair.
    Thanks s much!

    1. There’s not a link you can click on – it was in yesterday’s 7/3 Finds piece about 1/3 of the way down. It was a meme and it gave the Zoom email addy link within the meme.

  4. Some inspirational synch that came to my attention via Sidney Powell on Telegram…….MUST read 🙂

    “Live Not by Lies.” – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn – February, 12, 1974

    There was a time when we dared not rustle a whisper. But now we write and read samizdat and, congregating in the smoking rooms of research institutes, heartily complain to each other of all they are muddling up, of all they are dragging us into! There’s that unnecessary bravado around our ventures into space, against the backdrop of ruin and poverty at home; and the buttressing of distant savage regimes; and the kindling of civil wars; and the ill-thought-out cultivation of Mao Zedong (at our expense to boot)—in the end we’ll be the ones sent out against him, and we’ll have to go, what other option will there be? And they put whomever they want on trial, and brand the healthy as mentally ill—and it is always “they,” while we are—helpless.

    We are approaching the brink; already a universal spiritual demise is upon us; a physical one is about to flare up and engulf us and our children, while we continue to smile sheepishly and babble:

    “But what can we do to stop it? We haven’t the strength.”

    We have so hopelessly ceded our humanity that for the modest handouts of today we are ready to surrender up all principles, our soul, all the labors of our ancestors, all the prospects of our descendants—anything to avoid disrupting our meager existence. We have lost our strength, our pride, our passion. We do not even fear a common nuclear death, do not fear a third world war (perhaps we’ll hide away in some crevice), but fear only to take a civic stance! We hope only not to stray from the herd, not to set out on our own, and risk suddenly having to make do without the white bread, the hot water heater, a Moscow residency permit.

    We have internalized well the lessons drummed into us by the state; we are forever content and comfortable with its premise: we cannot escape the environment, the social conditions; they shape us, “being determines consciousness.” What have we to do with this? We can do nothing.

    But we can do—everything!—even if we comfort and lie to ourselves that this is not so. It is not “they” who are guilty of everything, but we ourselves, only we!

    Some will counter: But really, there is nothing to be done! Our mouths are gagged, no one listens to us, no one asks us. How can we make them listen to us?

    To make them reconsider—is impossible.

    The natural thing would be simply not to reelect them, but there are no re-elections in our country.

    In the West they have strikes, protest marches, but we are too cowed, too scared: How does one just give up one’s job, just go out onto the street?

    All the other fateful means resorted to over the last century of Russia’s bitter history are even less fitting for us today—true, let’s not fall back on them! Today, when all the axes have hewn what they hacked, when all that was sown has borne fruit, we can see how lost, how drugged were those conceited youths who sought, through terror, bloody uprising, and civil war, to make the country just and content. No thank you, fathers of enlightenment! We now know that the vileness of the means begets the vileness of the result. Let our hands be clean!

    So has the circle closed? So is there indeed no way out? So the only thing left to do is wait inertly: What if something just happens by itself?

    But it will never come unstuck by itself, if we all, every day, continue to acknowledge, glorify, and strengthen it, if we do not, at the least, recoil from its most vulnerable point.

    From lies.

    When violence bursts onto the peaceful human condition, its face is flush with self-assurance, it displays on its banner and proclaims: “I am Violence! Make way, step aside, I will crush you!” But violence ages swiftly, a few years pass—and it is no longer sure of itself. To prop itself up, to appear decent, it will without fail call forth its ally—Lies. For violence has nothing to cover itself with but lies, and lies can only persist through violence. And it is not every day and not on every shoulder that violence brings down its heavy hand: It demands of us only a submission to lies, a daily participation in deceit—and this suffices as our fealty.

    And therein we find, neglected by us, the simplest, the most accessible key to our liberation: a personal nonparticipation in lies! Even if all is covered by lies, even if all is under their rule, let us resist in the smallest way: Let their rule hold not through me!

    And this is the way to break out of the imaginary encirclement of our inertness, the easiest way for us and the most devastating for the lies. For when people renounce lies, lies simply cease to exist. Like parasites, they can only survive when attached to a person.

    We are not called upon to step out onto the square and shout out the truth, to say out loud what we think—this is scary, we are not ready. But let us at least refuse to say what we do not think!

    This is the way, then, the easiest and most accessible for us given our deep-seated organic cowardice, much easier than (it’s scary even to utter the words) civil disobedience à la Gandhi.

    Our way must be: Never knowingly support lies! Having understood where the lies begin (and many see this line differently)—step back from that gangrenous edge! Let us not glue back the flaking scales of the Ideology, not gather back its crumbling bones, nor patch together its decomposing garb, and we will be amazed how swiftly and helplessly the lies will fall away, and that which is destined to be naked will be exposed as such to the world.

    And thus, overcoming our temerity, let each man choose: Will he remain a witting servant of the lies (needless to say, not due to natural predisposition, but in order to provide a living for the family, to rear the children in the spirit of lies!), or has the time come for him to stand straight as an honest man, worthy of the respect of his children and contemporaries? And from that day onward he:

    · Will not write, sign, nor publish in any way, a single line distorting, so far as he can see, the truth;

    · Will not utter such a line in private or in public conversation, nor read it from a crib sheet, nor speak it in the role of educator, canvasser, teacher, actor;

    · Will not in painting, sculpture, photograph, technology, or music depict, support, or broadcast a single false thought, a single distortion of the truth as he discerns it;

    · Will not cite in writing or in speech a single “guiding” quote for gratification, insurance, for his success at work, unless he fully shares the cited thought and believes that it fits the context precisely;

    · Will not be forced to a demonstration or a rally if it runs counter to his desire and his will; will not take up and raise a banner or slogan in which he does not fully believe;

    · Will not raise a hand in vote for a proposal which he does not sincerely support; will not vote openly or in secret ballot for a candidate whom he deems dubious or unworthy;

    · Will not be impelled to a meeting where a forced and distorted discussion is expected to take place;

    · Will at once walk out from a session, meeting, lecture, play, or film as soon as he hears the speaker utter a lie, ideological drivel, or shameless propaganda;

    · Will not subscribe to, nor buy in retail, a newspaper or journal that distorts or hides the underlying facts.

    This is by no means an exhaustive list of the possible and necessary ways of evading lies. But he who begins to cleanse himself will, with a cleansed eye, easily discern yet other opportunities.

    Yes, at first it will not be fair. Someone will have to temporarily lose his job. For the young who seek to live by truth, this will at first severely complicate life, for their tests and quizzes, too, are stuffed with lies, and so choices will have to be made. But there is no loophole left for anyone who seeks to be honest: Not even for a day, not even in the safest technical occupations can he avoid even a single one of the listed choices—to be made in favor of either truth or lies, in favor of spiritual independence or spiritual servility. And as for him who lacks the courage to defend even his own soul: Let him not brag of his progressive views, boast of his status as an academician or a recognized artist, a distinguished citizen or general. Let him say to himself plainly: I am cattle, I am a coward, I seek only warmth and to eat my fill.

    For us, who have grown staid over time, even this most moderate path of resistance will be not be easy to set out upon. But how much easier it is than self-immolation or even a hunger strike: Flames will not engulf your body, your eyes will not pop out from the heat, and your family will always have at least a piece of black bread to wash down with a glass of clear water.

    Betrayed and deceived by us, did not a great European people—the Czechoslovaks—show us how one can stand down the tanks with bared chest alone, as long as inside it beats a worthy heart?

    It will not be an easy path, perhaps, but it is the easiest among those that lie before us. Not an easy choice for the body, but the only one for the soul. No, not an easy path, but then we already have among us people, dozens even, who have for years abided by all these rules, who live by the truth.

    And so: We need not be the first to set out on this path, Ours is but to join! The more of us set out together, the thicker our ranks, the easier and shorter will this path be for us all! If we become thousands—they will not cope, they will be unable to touch us. If we will grow to tens of thousands—we will not recognize our country!

    But if we shrink away, then let us cease complaining that someone does not let us draw breath—we do it to ourselves! Let us then cower and hunker down, while our comrades the biologists bring closer the day when our thoughts can be read and our genes altered.

    And if from this also we shrink away, then we are worthless, hopeless, and it is of us that Pushkin asks with scorn:

    Why offer herds their liberation?
    Their heritage each generation
    The yoke with jingles, and the whip.

    February 12, 1974

    1. yes – uplifting – but nothing none of us already know. we are also up against a REAL enemy that hides. we need organized militia’s working together with the enemy to end this. i’ve spent years speaking out – writing letters – signing petitions – engaged in recalls – and these bastards have their evil everywhere as we know. action is needed – REAL ACTION to physically R E M O V E those who have kidnapped us and put us into THEIR prison. enough blame the victim already. people don’t want to see – that’s on them. that doesn’t discount the fact they are every bit as deserving as freedom as those of us actually doing the best we know how to do IN those doings.

      1. I agree…where’s the Armoured Divisions?? lol

        America might still be able to resist by physical means but that option is long gone over here. We have no guns…unlike the police and military. They don’t need to use them much anyway as most of the population is compliant by other means. There will be no armed populous uprising over here.

        It was merely an attempt to give something to ponder for those feeling the frustration. As it was written in 1974 and against the backdrop of Communism in Europe it is from a different time and different environment however as a parable to learn from and superimpose onto our current time it is still valid.

        And in the meantime we have to trust that there is in fact a covert global military operation to take the cabal out cos if there ain’t then we are all fucked! I personally will be heading for the hills and taking my chances, I have made some plans in this regard and done some prep for that eventuality but I am under no illusions that I probably wouldn’t last more than 6 months due to the lack of edible animals now in our countryside or the killer drones find me and execute me by Direct Energy Weapon so I’ll take the blind faith option at this stage.


        1. i hear you. that is our sentiment too – we feeeeel there is action taking place to eliminate the “enemy” – but if not, yes – prepped to do other things. what is most frustrating to me/us – is those NOT seeing. i don’t get it….

  5. DT, aka #45 had one helluva beast to deal with at the outset in 2016. He demonstrated early in the game that he wasn’t going to toe the line for the status quo/deep stankers. The MSM showed all who were paying attention that slanting and spinning the narrative is the biggest game going when it comes to ‘programming’ the citizen-viewers–and ratings and the Pharma Ads were part and parcel of the entire operation. Hopefully, a few more citizens realize that a very dark counter-intel initiative is ongoing in the efforts to discredit legit scientists and political observers. I watched Dr Horowitz’s excellent doc on ‘predictive programming’ last night(complete with ‘Event 201’ footage and outtakes). His presentation covers the bases in terms of the scam-demic’s playbook. Clearly, we are up against an institutionalized behemoth–with many players who are merely justifying a salary, while wittingly(and unwittingly) going along with the program (fearful of losing their job?)…Tragic and pathetic, how many collaborators lack ethical and rational concern for the people on this planet. Anyhow–I highly recommend Dr Horowitz’s presentation Most worthwhile:

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