Some Thoughts (yes on the event)


I need to hash out this internal processing ~ get it out of me.  (better out than in)

The Event itself IS one HUGE wave of energy.  It isn’t a bunch of little dibbles over decades or centuries.  It is ONE EVENT because that is what is needed to create the change we all desire ~ consciously and subconsciously and unconsciously.

And yes it will knock many if not most maybe all on our bums to varying degrees.  Why?  Because as these Human Beings that we are, our DNA has been so compromised, so much of it disconnected, we have been functioning at a very low frequency for countless life cycles (thus it is in our DNA code at this point – an energy imprint – that this is how things just are – or were – for we also have Source Code within that more and more are tuning into/hearing).  I feel we were “tuned” at a level that has been just enough for us to survive and as such, our ability to experience TRUE LOVE – Divine, Pure – has been severely compromised (as well as our inherent abilities/gifts).  What you and I think of as love is small in nature compared to what is coming for us to experience once again.

Aren’t you thirsty for Love?  For love of this level?

Aren’t you thirsty to KNOW it again?

To feel it and BE IT again so you can SHARE it again?


As my mate just shared with me:  There’s a man crawling across a hot, dry desert.  His clothes are tattered.  Crusty dirt lines his eyes.  His hands are withered, beaten from the wind and hot sun.  He looks as though he is on deaths door.  He looks up at you, his arms reaching up, hands trembling. You think “he’s gonna ask for water” but instead he says in a weak but powerful voice, “The Event…..the event….”  At that point…..A rainbow wave of energy floods the entire realm, transforming everything.

That is how thirsty we are.  Some are more aware of the thirst.  Some are more thirsty than others, although I have a feeling that those claiming no thirst are still going to be in for a beautiful surprise.  For no matter how much we work on raising our vibration, we need this energy wave to ignite within what has been turned “off” – or at least turned down.

Turn on the music so we can start our days the way Source intended.

I am not going to say be patient.  I have a strong disdain for the phrase.  We HAVE been patient.  Oh goodness gracious goddess have we been patient. We have it MASTERED at this point.  And I also feel that term is going by the wayside once the event hits.  I have a strong inner knowing the concept of patience was by and large a matrix program.

So what I will say is go within your heart.  Be.  Be tender.  Accepting.  Kind. Gentle.  Visualize and feel what you desire.  That is what I do to soothe myself when I feel the disappointment and apathy and sadness.  I Remember again why I am here now.  And darnit all, I keep at it until IT manifests.

We got this but good this time!

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

4 thoughts on “Some Thoughts (yes on the event)”

  1. Hey Victoria,
    Hey babe I love your energy..I resonate with you so much…sometimes it’s just what I need to hear…today April 1 in N.Z…I’ve been feeling exhausted…( albeit I’m working pretty hard at the mo …lol)…but hanging in there …come on wave ..we are ready..and Victoria..keep your vibe going ..( no matter what t is ) it touches people even in a place called Maketu, Bay of Plenty ..New Zealand…
    Kia Kaha my friend..

    1. thank you cathy! dang what is it with me and finding people in new zealand (and australia)? we must have been a tribe at some point in ancient pre-matrix times. it is beautiful to me and i am happy you have found my site. bay of plenty – i love that. we are so boring here in the states. i long for some more rich authentic natural culture. <3

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