Sometimes John Denver Just Soothes The Soul


Yesterday this beautiful soul popped into my mind during a conversation with a neighbor.  At the same time we both said “I miss him”.  I remember where I was when I heard he had left this earth realm and the sadness I felt.  I hadn’t been what you could call an avid fan, but certainly I did love his music ~ indeed more as time passed.  I remember about 10 years ago I had a sudden fixation on him and his music.  I couldn’t explain it but I went with it.  One evening, while in bed alone, meditating, I swear I felt his presence off to my left.  I could hear him whisper/sing in my ear. Drat it all I can’t remember the song ~ but his presence was palpable. After that, the fixation on him and his music left.  As a musician myself, I understand the fixation on certain songs at certain times, needing to hear, listen and play.  So again, in the last 24 hours, he is on my mind.  I am deeply feeling he will be one returning as we continue on this ascension journey.  Meanwhile, here’s a couple of tunes for ya’ll, including his last performance.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.