Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Jan. 21 2020


i usually don’t post (or read) info from the website this originated from (dinar chronicles) – but i found this one interesting – esp. given the tweet i posted earlier by VK…some truth in this one?  we will see….


Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

Source: Dinar Chronicles

From infancy to age six Jenny Hill was repeatedly raped and tortured by members of a Satanic Coven, the trauma forcing her young developing brain to split into multiple thinking patterns. Her sophisticated Nazi-inspired Mind Control was overseen by a CIA agent believed to be working under direction of the international monetary system’s Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult – the very Satanic organization that the World Court, BRICS Alliance, President Trump and the White Hats were taking down with the Global Currency Reset.

WARNING: Jenny gave a graphic description of being forced to view a Child Sacrifice: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F626Lsrdwg4

Judy Note: What was it with Q and the number 21? On Sun. Q came back from a 21 day hiatus that repeated a Jan. 21 2018 post saying that this would be a Week to Remember – a week that appeared to start today Tues. 21 Jan.

Tues. 21 Jan. was said to be Value Day for the Global Currency Reset. It was also the start of Trump’s impeachment trial, where the Deep State was expected to be exposed and the first day of IMF meetings where world leaders were mulling about what to do with US Inc’s pending bankruptcy in a few days on 31 Jan, along with the resultant market crash expected for Feb.

High-positioned contacts have verified that the below information was valid:

1. It appeared that on Sat. 18 Jan. the Sovereign Committee “Team of Twenty” returned home after funding 27 mega Paymaster accounts and establishing a Value Day that had liquidity on Tues. 21 Jan.

2. On Sun. 19 Jan. Q came back from a 21 day hiatus with post #3776 that repeated a Jan. 21 2018 Q post saying, “The Great Awakening: the Shot Heard Round the World – a Week to Remember.”

3. Welcome to that Week to Remember: Tues. 21 Jan. 2020 was said to be Value Day and the start of Trump’s Impeachment Trial, which was expected to not only expose the Deep State, but mark the beginnings of our new Cabal-free world.

4. On that Value Day of Tues. 21 Jan. President Trump would be out of town attending International Monetary Fund meetings in Davos, Switzerland. His two Gold-Standard Advocates Judy Shelton and Chris Waller would be by his side. Why not? Trump had just appointed them to the Federal Reserve Board. The IMF meetings would likely discuss the US Inc. Bankruptcy on 31 Jan. and a resulting Market Crash expected in Feb.

5. Last week IMF Manager Christine Legarde warned financial managers not to go public with “what they were about to do” at Davos. Could that “what they were about to do” be a return to the Gold Standard – the only valid solution to the fiat US Dollar in order to keep Markets from imploding? Legarde has previously discussed the need for the global monetary system to go to a gold/asset-backed system.

6. Mike Cottrell claimed his signature was on the Gold Certificate and with the go-ahead from the Chinese Elders, would be the one to push the button for liquidity in the Global Currency Reset.

7. Mon. 20 Jan. evening saw Paymasters and Redemption Staff being placed on High Alert and expecting to work 7 am to 11 pm.

8. It was expected that sometime Mon. 20 Jan. to Tues. 21 Jan. 400,000 emails with instructions on how to exchange and redeem would be sent to currency and bond holders by Wells Fargo and HSBC.

9. Not coincidentally, on that same Value Day of Tues. 21 Jan. President Trump’s Senate Impeachment Trial would begin. Those testifying were expected to exonerate Trump, while verifying the need for Treason and other serious charges to be filed against major Democrat players including Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi.

10. Impeachment Trial: The Democrat’s bid for President Trump’s impeachment could very well turn into charges of Treason against them if witnesses were called. The main witness would naturally be former VP Joe Biden, who’s just been slammed by the New York Post in their bombshell investigative article titled “How the ‘Biden Five’ Made Millions Off Joe Biden Connections”—and—the Gateway Pundit News Service’s shocking investigation report titled “Ukraine And China Knew Hunter Biden Was A Chronic Drug Addict, Paid Him Millions Anyway – Used It As Fodder To Blackmail Joe Biden.”

11. On Mon. 20 Jan. Vice President Mike Pence declared that “the American people have a right to know” about the wide-scale corruption of his predecessor, and Biden’s family members.


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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