Stand Alone Gematria ~ 6.22.22



It’s that good to be a “stand alone” piece:


GEORGENEWS on TRUTH Social – 10:31pm Eastern…

Remember the Alamo
Open The Door
Close To The Edge (Precipice)
Gate of the Moon
We Are Q
The God Particle (CERN anyone?)
Home Is Up
What if……CERN is used to bring “them” in – which is SKY EVENT & Checkmate………….we go – “they” stay and as Barron said “eat our dust”…..

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

3 thoughts on “Stand Alone Gematria ~ 6.22.22”

  1. A little history refresher:
    “What happened at the Alamo and why is it important?

    The Battle of the Alamo was an important event in the Texas Revolution and American History because it rallied the rest of Texas to fight against the Mexican army eventually leading to a victory over Santa Ana at the Battle of San Jacinto.
    The Mexicans won and ended up killing all of the Texans!

  2. Clarification prev. post”….Mexico won at the Alamo and killed all the Texans that defended the Alamo.

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