Starbucks Scam? And an interesting Will Smith find from way back………….


I don’t know anyone who drinks this sheot.  And speaking honestly:  coffee (caffeine) is a drug designed to get people addicted to neeeeed it in order to function.  I can’t use it – it always charged me up too much so I learned other ways to get me going/keep me going.  As for this video: I’d say don’t get the small – instead don’t pay ridiculous amounts of money for something you can make at home.  Another suggestion:  consider an alternative to get you through the day/up and going.  Hydration (caffeine/coffee dehydrates you).  A brisk walk.  Stretching.  Movement.  Or – a shower.  That’s my morning “coffee”.





Will Smith………….is it possible he was replaced after this one?  Or perhaps his “handler” (wife) came in the picture to control him?  Interesting……..

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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