

Gotta watch what we say now.  The main car group on f.b. is gone.  More pop up.  What happened today in CA – for all who saw – is heartbreaking.  Gut wrenching.  I know the same has happened in AU as well.  Is this how it’s going to continue?  Unarmed people up against tyrants expecting a peaceful end?  And people still saying God is in charge?  Why is it God can invoke his/her/its wrath but those people wanting freedom can’t?  I’m telling you – nothing makes sense to me now.  Not one stinkin’ thing.  Still – I look for GOOD and here is what I am seeing.  Love, V.

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Air Moldova Spells Out Advice from Above – “Relax”

Taking off from Chisinau, an Air Moldova plane – with the callsign RELAX – apparently tried to spell it out to everyone…

Flightradar24 picked up on its message via its tracker.

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Thoughts of [Current] POTUS
Illegal coup.
POTUS making statements for no reason?

H/T Patrick Henry










🔴More Fireworks in downtown Ottawa right now.




Actually it would be 22:10…..










According to Oregon OSHA, All Masks Are “IDLH” or “Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health”



Some comfort:

May be an image of 1 person and text

May be an image of text that says 'I just saw this "You're not lazy, you only have a certain amount of energy and right now you are using it all to survive." I don't know who needs to hear that right now, but I know someone does'


Excellent Summary of the Durham Investigation to Date – Will Durham Destroy the National Security State or Just Hillary Clinton?


Biden’s Fully Vaxxed and Boosted Surgeon General Vivek Murthy – and His Entire Family – Test Positive For Covid


Who knows………sharing some interesting comments below as they align with experiences I have had in recent years………

More experience we had here going back to around 2014/2015 and then again in 2016/17 – where we heard very loud metal scraping coming from the sky.  The first time went on for over an hour (finally fell asleep).  Officials here in town told us it was construction downtown.  lol  It was so loud and literally sounded like a train was putting on the brakes continuously.  

rofl, yeah the train gears might need grease hahaha. Train has been moving as we move into position for the last phases. Those sounds were wild a few years back! We heard the el on top of the dome (sky has a ceiling) and they were squealing loudly as the allies lazered them off. You’re inside a type of ship, they call it a “V.A.H.”, “Virtual Artificially(intelligent) Hologram”. When they pull your mind out of the hologram, you’re back into the real world with real round worlds floating in ‘space’.
GEORGE is really dropping truth now:

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “Stuff…………”

  1. Thank you. As always we are trying to connect dots during a bleak dark winter. The fog of war and media static serves to diminish our faith in a positive outcome[predictive programming once again?]…Meantime, the vid-feed that does get to we Goat people who have heads in the fight are wondering if ‘they’ are deliberately trying to provoke kinetic conflict. Seems par for the course in accord with the Mr Global playbook–evidence and history all in plain sight… The obvious strategy to invoke Mar-tial Law. In accord with any counter-strategy (this is a war of Good vs Evil after all) we may presume that the W.hats have solid enough intel to work from re playing out a counter-strategy. Since this is a 5th generational war(intel/dis-intel/mis-intel/propaganda) we are mired in a mind fog. And this seems most predictable as the Media is controlled by the enemy…Collective mindfog enforced, i.e. mass-formation-psychosis is a reality. Just as cognitive dissonances have been amplified and conjured and formatted as we faith-FULLY negotiate the Matrix. The question for me has to do with Archon/Demonic rogue elements: have these rogue entities and energies always been part of the Earth sphere?…or was there a time(Eden) when we were free to design our HuMan destinies as sovereign souls?

  2. This is all Illusion. If God steps in to “save you from something” IT MAKES IT REAL. The last thing you want is to have The Illusion suddenly be real. We need to wake up from the inside-out, not the other way ’round.


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