Synchronicity in a movie tonight


in the real world right now we know that, according to the Jeff P and Blue Koolaid videos (which i linked earlier), there’s darkness next to the sun in the videos.  the sun’s corona is missing (real sun would show a corona).  we see the blue beam.  some kind of a crack/split is across the sky.  been there for 3 days as of today.  in the real world there’s been talk about the planet Nibiru.  some believe it’s going to impact the earth (i have never aligned w/that).  whatever is going on is happening at a very fast pace now.

here’s where the synchronicities are kicking in tonight.  my mate rented – on a whim – Transformer’s The Last Knight.  he was going to rent movies for our kiddo but couldn’t find what she wanted so he chose this one.  the plot?  in the movie it takes course over 3 days.  two worlds are about to collide.  only one world will survive in the end.

this split in the sky has happened 3 days in a row.

the papers for this information to save the real world, in the movie, were found in the Trinity library.  our last name is Trinity – a name we selected in 2010 upon the birth of our daughter.  it’s our legal name.

in the movie it is a battle between good and evil.  in the movie, merlin is given the staff by the last transformer and it has immeasurable/unlimited power.  who wields the staff of power right now?  our president – doing this now for 3 years – systemically taking down the deep state around the globe.

are things about ready to go Boom?  are we at the end?  things are happening.  the fed “first ever” type of outage.  and for me – for the first time – the garbage company won’t accept my payment online.

hmmm………we will see………… i just said minutes ago “i am soooooooo ready to be DONE with saying that!”

who here is done?  raise your hands!


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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