The Goddess Speaks

I receive messages when I am around water – usually when I am in the bathroom either bathing or standing at the sink.  I have had these experiences for almost 20 years and have learned to listen to them.  Sometimes the messages come from my higher self, other times they are from people who have passed over.  When I share them with others, especially if it is someone with whom I have never shared, I usually add a little caveat by saying “I don’t claim to be psychic much less a channeler.  I just get these messages.”  It isn’t that I do not believe in psychic abilities – quite the opposite.  We are all psychic.  We all have that gift of “knowing”.  It’s just been repressed by a variety of system tools, namely religion and education and family expectations.  However, once one has the slightest inkling of “remembering” who they really are, they can begin to work at pulling up that energetic source, giving it a tune-up with practice.  It never leaves us – we just temporarily forget it’s there.

I thought tonight I would share some recent messages I have received about what’s going on in our world at the moment in terms of the election and the ascension process.

~the election is going to have an element of surprise and for many of us, the results will no longer matter for we will have transitioned away from the need for such a political system.  Either way, it is going to have a surprise or two for all of us – in a positive way although it may be projected at first as something to fear – to which I say “don’t feed that energy”.  i began having this feeling in january.

~energy wave #3 is already coming in – i feel it – the start of it.  what’s interesting is i wasn’t really into all of this ascension stuff a year ago.  i had given it up, focusing on other things instead.  obviously that didn’t stop the energy waves from affecting me for they did, beginning in december with the affects being very noticeable by late winter.  the second wave of spring hit me hard – leading me to experience a fuzzy sort of reality as though i were balancing two world’s.  this third one is expected to make it’s way into our little earth here september 9-11 (which may explain why i have been seeing 9:11 on the clock off and on for years – this year having been the most to the point where it began to annoy me) – and is expected to culminate around the fall equinox and last for weeks.  this is said to be the big one that will change our reality – both within and without.  i know i have this feeling things will be intense and beautiful and chaotic and unpredictable in the upcoming months – depending upon how i choose to focus on the event.  i also have a feeling, as does my mate, that, well, we will wake up one morning and many people will be gone.  perhaps that is a metaphor, perhaps it is to be taken literally, perhaps a bit of both.  i know we both had the same dream a few years apart over 10 years ago where we both thought “are we on earth or an earth-like planet?”  life was amazing and we could manifest at will.  the sky was so beautifully blue and the feeling of peace within was amazing.  i had it first, didn’t tell him about it until he had the same dream.  i remembered it because it left such a huge impression upon my mind and heart.  the details of the house and property we lived on were exact.  EXACT.

~soon we will remember our power.  the truth will come out and we will be told our true history.  those of us who have been awakening on this journey for years and have already done a lot of research will have an easier time.  those who are still not aware of this will have a difficult time. but help will be available.

~there are beings from other planets and universes already here.  like people of this planet, some are benevolent and others not.  discernment and turning inward for truth and answers is SO important at this time – i cannot stress that enough.  while others may present a Truth to you, only YOU can claim it as such for yourself.  we do create our own reality.  we will be seeing that more and more.

~new healing technologies will be out soon and will involve energy medicine, free energy.  we all want to push the easy button – that is coming.  i had a vision the other day of clothing – how i could walk into my closet and a hologram appears showing me a variety of clothes and all i need to do is touch the screen of the one i desire and it manifests.  at the end of the day i simply, somehow, “send it back” to the holographic image.  pretty cool, huh?  i am an ideas person for sure but i have never had anything close to that kind of an idea before.

~for reasons i still do not understand yet, the past few months i have had the growing and strong desire to wear gray colors – mostly tops.  i just feel like “me” in this color – normally i am one to wear a variety of colors – but for now, gray it is.  in fact i went to a clothing giveaway recently.  we visited the first day and it was way too hot and way too crowded.  something told me to return (it was a 4 day event) so we left.  i had the feeling to return 2 days later, which i did – and you would not believe the amount of beautiful gray tops i found.  they seemed to jump out at me.  in fact, one of the shirts i caught out of the corner on my eye on the way out – it had fallen off the rack and was lying partly on the ground – almost invisible.  a beautiful slate gray, soft t-shirt with the words “love” on it.

~i feel as these waves of energy come in, some may have a hard time with them and thus behave in erratic ways.  do not feed the fear or chaos when you see such things.  very recently we had a very strange encounter with someone who stopped in front of our house.  she lives around here – i have seen her before.  but wow was she freaking out – talking about people everywhere spying on her.  “where?” i asked calmly.  “on the street corners!” she said.  “you mean on our street corner?” i asked.  “YES!” she shouted.  “on every street corner.  all of them!  you mean you haven’t seen them?”  i responded that no i had not.  she went on to say she could not believe i wasn’t seeing what she was seeing.  i ended the conversation by saying i was sorry she was experiencing this, i wished her peace and then i walked away.  not my reality.  i say that a lot these days.


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.