2 thoughts on “The Growing Awareness ~ Trump Says It The Way it Is 8-21-2019 … Lays it all out plainly”

  1. On the one hand, he drains the swamp. On the other hand, he hands Nature to his industry buddies, who don’t give a hoot about animals, plants, and natural beauty. He wants to gut the Endangered Species Act, uses the EPA, which is riddled with industry hacks, to take away the autonomy of States,
    (they just took away California’s right to label Glyphosate carcinogenic). He lets everyone who wants to lay dirty oil pipe lines do their dirty work on Native Sovereign Land, and drill in Nat’l Parks.
    If it were up to him, America would go back to the time, when rivers caught on fire, and everything got clear cut, making this beautiful country look disgusting, the air un-breathable, the food poisoned, and agenda 21 or whatever they call it now, look like a picnic. So you take away the satanistic cabal, but what are you left with in the end? No animals, no plants, no clean water, no unadulterated food, and nothing but mind controlled human slaves who are the fodder of the industrialists. And that is his idea of making America great again? But then again, the “Host of Heaven” predicted it, around 2012. They said there would be far fewer animals, and one would think , that the whole world had gone insane. They said, that that is when the event will take place. Because people will cry out to God to do something. Well, we are just about there, aren’t we?

    1. i know – i feel as you do as well. and as you said in the end – we will reach a point of chaos and then BOOM – transition. the event. our exit. the end of this show. i have felt that for a couple of years now – and knew back in january this would be the year of chaos that would just increase – w/their agenda of horror being pushed even more solid – right in our face (no hiding) – just because they can and because they know their game is already been determined (the end that is). it is my hope and feel that Home has been taking back species who are leaving here.

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