The Magic of the Relay


received via e-mail.  written by the editor/owner of legend of the three website.  


The Magic of the Relay
In the beginning there was the code.  And then there was the word.  Words and numbers shaped the matrix.
Before there was the ‘word’ as we know it today, symbols were created from an ancient language and embedded with specific frequencies to program how reality is perceived by the minds of human beings.
Much like a computer program written to behave a certain way, or a virtual reality to be experienced within a video game.
It was supposed to be a reality based on the light.
When the evil wizards hijacked the code they manipulated it to create a false grid that has come to be known as the matrix. Through artificial intelligence an alternate reality was installed, implemented, and broadcast via words and numbers imprinted with specific frequencies from a macrocosmic transmitter.
They were able to make subtle changes over time – such as incorporating automobiles, planes and trains for modes of transportation as they evolved, but they were unable to actually change the symbols they distorted.
That’s why they kept using the symbols in the same way, and kept doing the same things, over and over.  It is also why they eventually lost their power.
Hidden truths do indeed become clear, and Blue sums it up pretty well in the story.  While some of the details may have been changed, the evil wizards and the false matrix are Not fiction.
Proponents of evil see that their evil deeds are revealed.
Our feelings are our friends.
Truth is seen and felt.
I invite you to tune in to your feelings and notice how you feel as you contemplate these words.
The story is based on the Sabian Symbols, which are widely believed to have held the code of life.  They originated in what is now known as modern day Iraq.  The short story is they were hijacked, distorted, and used as mentioned by those we refer to as ‘evil wizards.’
This is a difficult passage to write.  I do not want to spend time discussing the previously distorted symbols, or the evil wizards, but at the same time I recognize it is important people become better informed.
Art spelled it out pretty well in the chapter, ‘Proponents of Evil See That Their Evil Deeds Are Revealed’:
“Scarlett talked about ‘loops’ when we were on Christmas Island, and how the evil wizards imprinted certain symbols to create repeating patterns of low vibrations they could use to further their agenda.
She mentioned certain symbols that were almost always in play when they carried out horrible events.  Like shootings at schools, bombings at certain types of locations, and terrorist attacks – all kinds of evil deeds.
In fact, she said they planned events far in advance so they would coincide with times specific symbols would be activated by particular planets.
Some of them didn’t even make sense, but I guess the evil wizards used them to enslave people. I remember one had to do with drunk chickens.  When I asked her about it, Scarlett said the evil wizards manipulated the energy to influence cycles of addictive behavior.
As if a chicken would really get drunk.  Chickens flap their wings and fly!”
The Magic of the Relay was in play when Art stated the simple truth, “Chickens flap their wings and fly.”
Scarlett calls it the ‘Relay Game.’
When a woman and two men abandoned the evil it was in large part through the magic of the relay they were able to transform the Sabian Symbols.  Truth and love transform, after all – and The Sabian Symbols Are Enlighted.
They have become the Legend of the Three.
You can become a magician – and play the Relay Game too!
You can begin by noticing, and noting, the magic inherent in your everyday life.  For example, affirming, “At the railway crossing, the car stops for a train?”
That’s right – every time you stop at a railway crossing, or you witness a car stopped at a railway crossing, and acknowledge, “At the railway crossing, the car stops for a train,” you are playing the relay game!
You do not want to know what the distorted version was – and we do not want to pay any more attention to the evil wizard’s deeds.
Suffice it to say, “Sacred Symbols Honor Life.”
There is a part of me that wants to share examples of how awful the distorted symbols translated in languages other than English (believe me, they were bad in English too), and list some of the old symbols the evil wizards ‘used’ to further their dark agendas.
Symbols that were in effect on 9/11, or the day Princess Diana was killed, for example.
Alas, the dawn of a new day reveals the beginning of a new world.  There is no need to travel down that road ever again.
Life is a spiritual adventure, Love Is the Answer, and an attitude of gratitude works wonders.
Treat yourself, your family, your friends and loved ones with love and gratitude.  Honor life and respect it for the gift that it is.  Stand for truth and justice, be merciful, and help those who are in need of support.
Cultivate your imagination, nurture your creativity – and always follow your heart.
The Legend of the Three is included as an appendix.  The Sabian Symbols have become, as they were always intended to be, Symbols of knowledge and life.  They now tell the story of a world we want to live in, and provide helpful life instruction.
May you receive them with an open mind, a loving heart, and pure intention.
The magic game brings joy to life – and there’s really only one rule:
With joy we find our way!

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.