The Raven Synchronicity


I’ve been having a raven and his mate visit me now and then the last few months.  Last week, I realized I hadn’t seen him in a few weeks so I put out the thought that it would be nice to see him again if he wanted to visit.  The next day, he was back and has been here every day since – today it has been three times so far (it is normally just a one-time visit).

So talking with Sister D on the phone today, I was telling her about the raven and his mate.  Just as I said that she says “guess what just flew over my head?”

Yep – a Raven.

His name is Noah.

He is my Protector.

He is Wise.

And he is the consumer of (my) walnuts.  🥰



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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