The Sainted Anon Channel ~ ABC Covered up Epstein Pedo Ring/Field Mc Connell Arrested!!!


as i was reading and then sharing Paula’s thread here earlier, i thought “i wonder if sainted is going to cover this one tonight”.  here you go….  heads up – it is very difficult to listen to some of the intel dropped………


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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “The Sainted Anon Channel ~ ABC Covered up Epstein Pedo Ring/Field Mc Connell Arrested!!!”

  1. CAIR has its biggest chapter in the US in Broward cunty, and, one of the Broward co deputies (under former sheriff Isreal) leads it… I watched a video of him addressing his chapter just after tbe Parkland shooting… and, for he life if me, I cannot remember how I came to be watching it… I think I was directed – like you describe you are guided to look at songs or articles – it lead down a twisted and very old rabbut hole.

    Pedophillia is not taboo, or even illegal under Islam (being that Mohamed married Ayesha at 6, consummating it when she was 9… and all muslim men seek to emulate Mohamed.)

    I find it interesting that the topic of old money from Italy is mentioned… Sicily was under the caliphate during the last crusade, and, in Islam, Sharia is enforced by Sharia Street Patrols (just like the ones in NYC), who ensure the faithful do not slip, and, that non believers are either converted, forced to pay jizra (protection money), forced to leave, or, killed.

    Sounds like the mafia doesn’t it?

    One of the first tactics deployed when Islam moves into a targeted community, is to place its members in positions of power in the police. This ensures protection for the Sharia street patrols, and the rest of the muslim community, while it expands.

    This process is repeated whetever they go, cookie cutter tactic… in the same way the left uses the same tactics, over and over… and is now hand in hand with Islam.

    Taqiyya, twaria, muruna, kitman, are the sanctioned lying modes Islam uses to hide its true intent… the fact that it is a 7th century, xenophobic war cult.
    “War is eternal…” says the Koran

    Muslims are not allowed, on pain of death, to criticize Islam (or mutiny), they are also not allowed to leave the faith (or desert), also on pain of death. Muslims will cite Christianities Medievil blasphemy and apostacy laws to suppirt these rules – except, Christianity Refirmed… Islam has not, and, will not, because its intent is not ‘love’, but ‘submission’.

    So even if an individual does not agree with the actions they are forced into – they cannot say anything, or appear to disagree, fir fear of street patrol reprisal – just like the mafia.

    This is how Islam keeps a stranglehold on its followers.

    Exmuslims of N America has a Youtube channel, where brave people, come out, and declare their freedom from the cult.

    It is all connected.

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