The Wild Doc ~ Is the Current Coronavirus Patented and Did a Laboratory Create a Bat Coronavirus?


editor victoria’s comment ~ expanding my knowledge on this one….for now, i continue to keep stocked our own natural medicine cabinet.  oil of oregano.  grape fruit seed extract.  elderberry.  colloidal silver (which i make and have for years.  if interested, you can get your own unit.  i have a link via amazon on my main page – lower right – to the unit we use.)


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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “The Wild Doc ~ Is the Current Coronavirus Patented and Did a Laboratory Create a Bat Coronavirus?”

  1. Yes , it seems they are lab created , then patented, then a vaccine is created, all for the profit of big pharma

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