The zombies are seen….


I had the strangest text conversation.  There is a local farm with whom we have been ordering beef for the last 2 years.  I recently went to place an order and was confused as to the wording.  The description stated the order included several items (x, y, AND z).  When you selected it to order however, you were prompted to pick FROM one of the items.  Impossible given the price they were charging.  So I did what any normal human would do – I emailed.


No response.

So I texted and that’s when bizarro world kicked in.

The owner said they received my email but was confused as to my question.  So I explained it again.

Got a response that 1) did not answer my main question (are ALL items included in the price or do you have to PICK as you are prompted to do) and 2) said all I needed to do was select from the steak option.

Then I am told they never did get my email and they can’t find it.

Wait a minute….lol….Didn’t this whole convo begin with them saying they received it and were confused?


So I said ok to clarify you did or did NOT receive my email?

Did not, I was told.

Ok, so I returned to the convo and said to go to the site and check it out as it clearly says THEY choose which steak option you receive and again are all items included.

They write back and he said he knew exactly how the site was worded as he wrote it himself.

Things were quiet after that as I was not going to continue this conversation that still was not answering my very. basic. question.

Then I get a long text saying all items were sold out – he was at the site fixing things – and when we could place an order he would send out a bulk email to all customers.



I was so tempted to respond and say “got the jab didn’t ya?”

Yeah, bye bye.  There has always been a block there in terms of their customer service/reliability.  And they partner with the local nazi university.  So there’s that….

D O N E.

I am done with hypocrisy.  I am done with this whole horror show/division the jab has created.  I am done with the word “family” because that whole philosophy sure didn’t work out the way I was told family was from childhood.  Done with religious arrogance where the sheep are enslaved to their church doctrine and only do good deeds that the church says to do.  Done with calendars and dates and all things clearly created by the matrix to serve the matrix.  Done with the struggle.  Done with the deception.  Done with the attacks.  Done with holier than thou a’holes who tell us to trust the plan – who KNOW the plan – and attack/criticize anyone who struggles to understand or have faith for something we are not even in on.

I know what Love Is.

And this entire realm lacks it.

We all need Truth.

We all need Healing.

And we all need our FREEDOM.

GD F’ING NOW and not on some other groups timeline.




Thank you supporting my work.

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

5 thoughts on “The zombies are seen….”

  1. All I can say is…


    fucking retarded zombie peices of shot taking shit.
    Also I sent you something

  2. I’ve been in the “DoneClub” since 2008! Welcome to the club. It gets lonely out here on the fringe sometimes. Still-I’d rather be a member of the Matrix monkey wrench gang than one of the complicit sheeple jab-junkies. Lately a few allies and I have also noticed a breakdown in people’s thinking ability. I don’t wish to predict doom and gloom–but I do feel this is just the beginning of the amplified dumb down phase.

    Bowie’s Blackstar Video – A Prophetic Covid-19–Ritual-Mass

    @ 7:38 The masses have learned how to worship the Covid-19 China virus as a living god! An psychopathic insane devil-god who is one-half benevolent savior / one-half punishing god – thusly mirroring the confused Western Tradition. It’s enslaved worshippers must constantly pray to it, are compelled to placate it, and must sacrifice to it, lest they suffer it’s capricious wrath. The room in which Bowie and the three people are locked up, terrified, is similar to a temple with lights streaming through the windows like the stained glass in a church. A Temple of Fear. A Temple of the God Corona. But herein lies true salvation; behind him shines a miraculous light, then people are freed from the terror and the wrath of their Corona God notwithstanding [despite anything to the contrary] the scene of the three individuals crucified and masked. These three are the individuals who have become accustomed, and in many cases even masochistically [someone who obtains pleasure from receiving punishment] fallen in love with life under the lock down, life under the corona virus, Because For The First Time In Their Existence These People Know Exactly What They Have To Do. Every Rule In Life Is There For Them To Follow! These corona zealots have voluntarily tied each other to a crucifix, they have bound and masked one another, they have obediently socially distanced themselves from others. Such as these are the schlemiels [Yiddish term for dolts, nitwits, fools] who would not want to escape the corona virus or the lock down and the enforced restrictions it has placed upon humanity during 2000 and 2001. They’re even grinding themselves sexually as they’re turned-on by the masks; they’re turned-on by the fetish of the lock down, the need to be restrained. They’re embroiled in a combined sexual frenzy and delirious rapture as long as they’re tied down to the fear mongering and the terror of the China virus. Then an all female Mass ceremony begins in which their toxic covid venom is transmuted into the body of a woman who holds both of her arms out as though she is being hypodermically injected with the contagion. Then she begins distributing her effluvia to others in order to create so-called “herd immunity.” This freakish, celebratory Mass is reminiscent of the grotesque Tik-Tok dancing video of the nurses who were supposed to be under incredible stress in hospitals. There is nothing else like the experience the human race has endured under the China Covid-19 pandemic. It has fundamentally revealed that humanity is actually a dual species: the ensouled Authentic Humans who are at odds with the soulless Organic Portals. The living humans with souls versus the deathlike human-appearing wraiths. [recall the movie “They Live” see: ]who see through it are aware of an almost Lovecraftian Cosmic Horror Show that is happening around us. That is what this semi-aquatic creature dancing, outpictures, as it appears in various parts of the ritual. Their deadly Gilded-Skull-Holy-Grail-Vaccine is freely distributed amongst the Mass goers. Meanwhile those counterfeit humans who choose to remain on the cross, who want to be bound by the fetishes of the lock down, masks, social distancing and so on, they continue to scream and gyrate upon their beloved crucifixes. Then the video finally ends with a pan of the city and a black star with a flash of light behind it, as the Light of Truth, Enlightenment and Lack of Fear Lights up the World, Lights up the World of real people who see through this entire NWO China-Covid-19 genocidal fiasco for what it is. The video Black Star by David Bowie is a remarkable work of prophecy brought into manifestation by the extreme charge of a great artist who knew he was soon to die.

    “Society consists of a few powerful men surrounded by accommodating rascals and submissive weaklings, followed by a mass of men trotting behind them who know not their minds in the least.” – Goethe

    What exactly is the nature of this “mass of men?”
    Soulless Beings of the Matrix – AI Consciousness – Organic Portals
    Q&A with Laura Knight-Jadczyk — Organic Portals
    Laura Knight-Jadczyk — Why Psychopaths Rule the World.
    Possibly one of the best kept secrets of the horrors of human history. Many psychologists consider psychopaths to be a separate species that is only human-like, that prey on human beings.
    Q&A with Laura Knight-Jadczyk — STO vs STS
    Organic Portals – Soulless Humans

    [excerpt] “Some sources that talk about a Shift or Transformation occurring in our age also mention a “splitting” of humanity and that not everyone is going to wake up. The main reason for this can be found in a very interesting issue this planet faces and which has been written about in various esoteric teachings as well as transmitted through certain channeled material. It relates to two different “races” or “humanities” coexisting on earth, alike from the outside, but unlike in the inside.” (continued)

    1. thank you for all of that info. we know they put everything they do and will do in the world of entertainment. it’s almost as though they (in human form) sign a contract w/them (invisible enemy/dimensionals) where they agree to put it in our face. such sick f’ers. and yeah – i have to look at the possibility that not all wake up. i continue to feel everyone gets out of here/their prison – but where each soul/being goes after that is based on choice/level of awakening.

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