They’re literally throwing rocks at us now….


I wonder where in the playbook we are………..the end, right?


Nasa says a giant asteroid bigger than the Eiffel Tower will enter Earth’s orbit next week, putting it into the “potentially hazardous” category.

Nasa says ‘concerning’ asteroid as big as a football field will break into Earth’s orbit in days

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

3 thoughts on “They’re literally throwing rocks at us now….”

  1. Is that how they are explaining the second “moon” that is showing up on the dark side of earth?
    Nothing that “not a space agency” says can be believed. Then again, it could be the reason for the big announcement, and collective “near death” experience Q told us about, that would cease all of the “medical” shenanigans that are going on. At this point, anything is possible.

  2. Lmao Nereus….aka Near us! Sometimes I really hate this movie.

    Anyway, looking at all the numbers and dates in this article as code.
    12/11=311 (inverse of 11.3…first marker/go time).
    wondering what drops said around 10/28 (back in 2017)

    I don’t know. I’m friggin exhausted. Let’s get a move on already 🙂

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