This morning’s questions …..a longing for years past….and an interesting article along those lines


I awoke this morning after a challenging night…along w/a dream I was not pleased about…and could feel a timeline shift – backwards.  I resisted that. NO!  I don’t “believe” in that narrative any longer.  And then I saw the schumann and saw that damn dark line.

Coincidence?  Am I misinterpreting this?  My feeeeeeel is that old energies being released/left behind made another attempt to cling….and then the “light” (love) said, “we shall overcome”.  The schumann graph above can be indicative of this.  Merge and like a mama does with her baby, soothe the pain and fear stuff with Love.

I then got online to see the headlines.  Not much fun in that for me any longer.  Officials in France are saying they plan on making it illegal now to protest. They have millions of violent immigrants willing to do the european cabal’s bidding.  And there was some commentary on that saying the people of France are now seeing they were just sheep being lead to slaughter – this from JoeM – the infamous Thestormisuponus person.  Why would he say something like that?  He has supported the movement.

Where is Huber, I wondered.  My mate showed me an article addressing that.  Republicans are giving him until the 21st to share his findings.

Where is the declas?

And there is growing discussion of people here in the states to take up the yellow vest movement.

I thought there was a PLAN in place to ensure that was not NECESSARY.

But how are we to know?  NOTHING of significance is being shared with us. We are just told to put things together – and trust the plan.

Are we coming or are we going?

Energetically I feel the need to just shake off all of the political happenings. Even though I am one to scream “JUSTICE NEEDED TAKE ACTION”, another piece of me says there are those who have been ensuring this happens.  Like maybe, Miss Victoria, you don’t have to carry that torch any longer?  And besides, is that end result even on my personal timeline?

Listen to the head or the heart.

The struggle is real at times and it sucks.

So I leave it up to the flow to guide me when I have these moments.  And the flow sent me a piece to read through one of my awesome readers.  And it addresses an experience I have been having, which was suddenly quite powerful earlier today.  My daughter had the radio on and Don Henley, “Boys of Summer” came on.  My generation.  I can remember being 18, driving in my car, sunglasses on, had my summer tan and I could recall exactly how I felt at the time.  YOUNG.  ENERGETIC.  FREE.  I could work or play all day, party half the night and repeat the next day.  Always up for something new – where life FELT new.  Light.  I was overcome with tears and longing.  Why am I doing this to myself, I wondered?  I don’t want to torture myself longing for an experience I can no longer have.  I encouraged myself to “get real” and accept myself as I am now.

But I couldn’t let go of that inner longing.  It was there and it demanded I see it, embrace it.  So I did.

I began to wonder about home.  Liberation.  New Earth.  Restored body.  All of that “stuff” I have had naturally just come to me over the years – little pieces at a time until it formed a puzzle – a beautiful scene – that I have, off and on, longed for.  Sometimes slightly, other times deeply.  But always there ~ the longing.  As I wondered all of this I asked, “is this even real?  is this going to happen?  am i even going to experience this – fully – this piece of me now that sits and wonders?  And….Am I wasting my time?”


I absolutely refuse to engage in that.  REFUSE.

No.  I CAN’T be wasting my time, I felt.  My head can come up with a logical story around this – even try to convince myself it’s all just another false matrix program to toy with me…. and each and every time within, deep within that knowing tells me IT IS REAL.  IT IS WHY I AM HERE.  I AM HERE TO EXPERIENCE THIS TRANSITION.

Just be patient and allow.  Call it forth when I feel the need.  Just like the Q plan story, there is a lot going on behind the scenes I cannot yet see in this present state/form.  I keep getting that as a reminder to soothe my frustration.  And need I say yet again each attempt I make to create a new life for me NOW in this realm falls apart?  For each meditation I enter asking to be given guidance as to what I can do NOW HERE to create a new life – I receive nothing but emptiness.  No vision.  No inspiration.  It’s like I look into my looking glass of 3d earth – for my own individual path here – and I see NOTHING.

So back to this article.  I will now share a piece of it here and link the rest below (the bold/italics portion is my addition).  Let’s just say I had one of those moments of overwhelming emotion that also left my brain in a state of “gobsmackedness”.  So Thank You to MJ for being the divine warrior of Flow I needed today.  (and yes – it was encouraging to read the words about this shift home and the date of 1/31/19 – another one of my readers told me she had been in communication w/another who also gave that same time frame.  this also feeeeels like an alignment w/what yellow rose for texas shared yesterday about the energies are now in alignment here and at home so a grand solar event may not be necessary.  we just portal on out perhaps?)

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“But, going back to the message that I have received. Because of the work that has been accomplished in these last two years, everything has sped up, and human souls as a collective have decided to move onto the “new earth”, to a new frequency and higher vibration. Which has moved the “last day to jump onto the new earth” for lightworkers to January 31st, 2019. That is the reason that many are experiencing nostalgia at this time, a sort of “mourning” of their “youth”, days gone by, and seeming longing for the past, even those who have never really cared about the past and were always looking towrds the future, have found themselves feeling these emotions. Others have all of a sudden become fixated on the idea of making a living will, or restructuring their earthly posessions as if trying to make sure that when they are gone, their earthly posessions will go to the right hands. All of this has been happening because EVERYONE on this planet are in the process or have already moved onto the new platform, and were simply saying goodbye to their old selves.

If you have been called to move to the new earth, to new earth frequencies but were holding yourself back because you felt that you needed to assist those near and dear to you, please know that they have already moved onto a new platform on a subconscious level and are consiously moving onto the new platform at this time. Their bodies are simply adjusting to new energies, just like your bodies have adjusted upon your own awakening. There is no reason to be concerned that someone would be left behind, because as it looks from this point in time, no one will be left behind.”



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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.