To You, Waking Up Soul


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By Jelelle Awen

You, waking up soul… can SEE your wings. They are still there, even if not visible to your everyday eyes. Unfurling now, when for so long they had been pressed down and resting.

You remember your Bigness, your purpose, your reason for BEing here. You connect to the energy of ALL the angels singing in all the dimensions, hear their chorus calling you to join in. You find these angels in THIS life, human form, soul family reuniting. You share the song to remind others of what IS and love’s tune.

You, healing precious heart….you FEEL how tender you actually are. Your Inner Child is peeking out, wanting to come out of shy, come out of hiding, come out of being protected. To dance again in JOY, to feel the magic of every moment that is just waiting to be experienced and shared.

You have the capacity to FEEL your vulnerability, your innocence, your goodness COME back to you again as you transform and transmute the emotional energies that are NOT these frequencies with LOVE.

You, arising sacred human…you ARE a wonder of Infinite Love Possibilities in human form. Your body is becoming MORE light, infused with health and vitality. Radiating OUT with physical juice that flows from your care, your reverence, your LOVE for your fleshy self and every living cell.

Your sacred human IS the best of your soul, the best of your heart, the best of your body COMING together, being revealed as the layers of the OLD drop away and you ARE newly born!

Jelelle Awen (with help from some Angelic aspects)

Reach out. Ask for what you need. Get ready to receive!
1:1 bridging session available this week w/me and other Facilitators! Powerful movements/realizations/emotional digestions happening in this sacred spaces! PM me if you are interested! More info here:

Jelelle Awen is Co-creator/Facilitator/Teacher of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life. She is a Soul Scribe and author of four books about Ascension, awakening, and emotional body healing. Jelelle offers a 90 minute one on one bridging session with her over zoom for $55 USD min. donation with women and with Raphael for men…more information here. Visit for more information about our NEW SoulFullHeart process programs, group calls, videos, etc. Visit our donations page to offer a monthly or one time money donation to support our offerings.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.