Today’s Dreams ~ 3/5


So everyone in the house had some interesting experiences last night.

First before going to bed, some weird electrical disturbances were taking place.  Air purifier went on the fritz.  Computer froze up.  And my daughter’s lights in her bedroom (colored holiday-like lights) – half of the strand went out.  We just put those up brand new over the holidays so I was not interested in buying a new strand.  Before I went to bed I called on Home and asked them to please fix the lights.

Around 4am, my girl woke up and noticed her room was brighter.  The lights has come on.

Around that time, I too was awake – tuning in.  I don’t like the term God nor One and even Source is feeling “old” to me.  What came to me then?  Divine One.  I then had this sense that those who created this matrix – the program – are gone.  At the very least, I had this knowing and this sense to “make the program work for you now”.  We can do that now.  Just like a computer – how it functions is based on the programmer.  My sense was we can now step in and be the programmers (while we are still here).  So something to play with if one feels inclined to do so.

Later on, my mate and I both had very interesting dreams.  His is the best so I will save it for last.  In my experience, I was seeing a fleet of soldiers who looked like they were returning home from battle.  They had on midnight blue outfits – very plain – male and female.  They looked tired but happy.  The war was over (which is interesting when you think about it considering what I had sensed earlier – shared above).  I also noticed one very specific thing:  their muscles.  O M G  These beings had ripples of muscles all over.  Big muscles.  They were all so youthful too – lightly tanned skin – just the epitome of strength, health and youth.  My girl was with me at this point.  One of the soldiers – female – sat down next to my daughter and across from me.  I felt she was “watching” over us but was there more for my girl.  She wanted to make sure we weren’t going to get her “one of those jabs” (her words) and said of course not.  At that, the experience ended.

Now onto my mate’s experience.  He was on the ground, sitting, knees bent.  He looked up and saw this very tall male – his face was hard to make out – it was blurry.  However his hair looked just like my mate’s.  The man bent down to my mate – held out his hand – my mate put his hand in this other man’s hands – and at that the man put his hand on my mate’s forearm and said “come on let’s go”.  He was there to help my mate Stand.  As my mate began to stand, he noticed this other person had on the exact same shirt as my mate had worn last night.  It was then my mate said he knew he was seeing himself.  The most noticeable trait?  THE MUSCLES.  He said this other being – HIMSELF – had huge muscles up and down his arms – all the way to his neck.

Very interesting how we both saw these people having the same features only in our own individual experiences.  And so awesome my mate saw himself on the outside.  His full Realized Restored Self.



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

6 thoughts on “Today’s Dreams ~ 3/5”

  1. Something was verrrry different about today..speaking of muscles…I was off the charts with energy and strength..out of the house by 9 am…to get some sanding disks..did a big grocery shop..two loads of dishes in the sink..sanded a 12 foot by 6 ft area….did some sewing..swept my sanding mess..made breakfast , lunch and dinner ..drove a ways to do all the errands…and slept last night like I was drugged…and now here it is 8 pm..and I still feel like I could do more chores..not my way at all at this time of night..and I can’t wait until tomorrow to do more sanding..drag my eight foot ladder from my barn building to my house to reach higher to sand and paint more…and dayum..i’m 72..oh, so give a heads up to any helpers you may know of and let them know…ol’ C is gonna be high ..up on a ladder ..tomorrow..don’t let her fall..okeedokee..wonder what awaits in sleep land…yowza..something def shifted today…I kept saying that to myself all thru the day..the energy level..and most of all there was nothing distracting…well, peace and love all ya’ll.

  2. I woke today hearing Mozart’s Requiem playing non-stop in my head to the point that I hunted for the CD and cranked up the volume (sorry, neighbors). It felt like an exorcism! Isn’t a requiem a composition for a soul’s repose? Do those thankfully departed beings pulling the matrix strings even have souls?

    Thanks for that share, Victoria…your shares often correlate with things I experience, things that leave me wondering what they’re all about.

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