Today’s Excellent Finds………..1.27.22


We know if this was about health, they would not be firing docs, nurses, etc.

We know if this was about health, they would be handing out organic produce and supplements to assist the immune system.

We know if this was about health, we wouldn’t be living under these archaic technologies (oil, gas, coal).

We know if this was about health, we would have PURE drinking water.

We know if this was about health, they would have stopped those toxic-laden chemicals being sprayed on us for decades.

We know if this was about health, there’d be no war and no pay-to-live b.s.

We know if this was about health, they would have released ALL cures.

We know if this was about health, EVERYONE would have EQUAL access to TRUE healing – regardless of income (which of course only comes into play when it fits “their” current twisted narrative).

The jig is up.  WE ARE AWAKE.

Here’s what I’m seeing…………..





Luring in the vulnerable with $$…………”These people are sick.”  Project V’s latest:

Video Reveals Disadvantaged Populations Taking Excessive Vaccines for Tax Funded Gift Card Incentive



They all gotta go:



Zuby on GB news discussing censorship based on “misinformation and disinformation”: “If you’re going to take down everyone who’s spread misinformation you need to take down CNN, BBC news..every journalist, every scientist..fauci…. 🔥






17’s 94:
Nov 05, 2017 2:14:12 AM EST
Nov 05, 2017 2:09:14 AM EST

Anonymous ID: GwO0QESl No. 148032489 

>>148032352 if she’s not, I think they’re gunning for her. How can she repay the money sent to CF for influence? Do they have Huma?
Review my other threads.
This is why complete graphics are so important.
BO paid the debt prior to leaving office.
HRC is not currently in SA.
Bill wants a deal.
Playing the former President card.
Watch the cookie quickly crumble.
Where does Soros fit in?
Godfather III
And Water’s intel-laden video……….


N.J. Restaurant Wishes No One Saw What They Wrote On Cop’s Receipt- You Will LOVE What Happens Next



Itajaí, Brazil Citywide Prevention Program using Ivermectin Significantly Reduced COVID-19 Infection, Hospitalization, and Mortality Rate


WHOOPS: Government Contractor Spills The Beans as to Why Biden is Hiding Illegal Immigrant Flights in The Dead Of Night: “If This Gets Out, the Government is BETRAYING The American People”


To Combat Biden’s Massive Inflation, the Fed Announces It Will Reluctantly Increase Rates, Something Extremely Rare Under Democrat Administrations — You Won’t Believe the Numbers!



So the truckers come out against the mandates and Trudeau – and suddenly he has to go into isolation……..




So I’m thinking about this SpaceX Sat crashing into the moon on 3/4………..and the phrase “ring the bell”…………I entered “BELL” into the search bar on the 17 site – and this one I found interesting (notice the missing “e” in societies – typos matter……..any thoughts/insights??)….I’m wondering if what’s on that dark side – knock out the base that holds the frequency that keeps us anchored here (like a tether)……….I just got that…….the WWG1WGA has long felt to me that we ALL GET OUT (no east west) – and based on who we are determines where we all end up – which is based on FREEDOM OF CHOICE given where we are at the time…….


Feb 10, 2018 3:33:29 AM EST
!UW.yye1fxo ID: 237dde No. 324395 
“Rest in peace Mr. President (JFK), through your wisdom and strength, since your tragic death, Patriots have planned, installed, and by the grace of God, activated, the beam of LIGHT.
We will forever remember your sacrifice.
May you look down from above and continue to guide us as we ring the BELL of FREEDOM and destroy those who wish to sacrifice our children, our way of life, and our world. We, the PEOPLE.”
Prayer said every single day in the OO.
JFK – Secret Socities.
Where we go one, we go all. Q

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.