Today’s gematria and a reflection


I am really not into sharing all of videos and articles showing the chaos. This is war.  We know it.  Energetically I had to pull away today.

I had a conversation with another today – and we spoke a bit about the violence.  She said she wasn’t the warrior type and so didn’t know what to do to help.  I told her we are all tuned in together here so just holding the light – love – peace – that is helpful.

While I do have it in me to be a warrior and get out there and stand firm against anyone wanting to destroy and harm – I’m not feeling that is my place.  That isn’t my role.  I’m actually feeling more pulled away from it all energetically.  Even though my human brain and ego and personality are saying “stay on top of things and share what you see here” – some part of me is, well, elsewhere.  Detached.  It’s a bit odd if I ponder it – but somehow also not surprising.  Once again today I asked just exactly where are we and WHO are we here?  Starting to have some rather trippy-like thoughts and feels on those questions.  But I am not in the space now to explore that so for now, I will share some gematria.  The first one is thanks to Sister and Friend Jules.  The second one, well actually that came about indirectly through her as well with a tweet she shared and I was nudged to gematria the word.

First up:


Four Forty Four (as I said earlier the #4 is all over my experience now)

The One Thousand Year Plan

Q Great Security

Expect The Unexpected

Donald Trump Is The Sixth  (I am sharing this for one reason and one reason only:  repeating timelines – like the Matrix – there were multiple versions of Neo in different timelines attempting to take it all down….many of us have knowing of “doing this before” – as I have recently shared of one of those experiences and heard from others who had the same on that exact same day….is this the sixth time we have tried to end this horror show?  i don’t know – but it would not surprise me – as i said above i am starting to get some really trippy thoughts on the nature of this reality)…

John F Kennedy Jr  (ok that’s all i need to know – lol – perfect comms!  and he has been in my consciousness at an intense level lately – as i know he has with many others – if this is a simulation – these are our avatars – he is tuning to us – more frequently and more freely)

Time To Wake Up

This Is For Real

God Has Returned  (thinking of Trump holding up that bible yesterday – “evil” is being removed so Love/Light/Source/God can be brought out in full once again)

Perfect Phone Call

July Eleventh

Prison Planet

Fisa Warrant

Truth Revealed

The Divine Source

Return To Eden


The next one is MASK.  I was inspired to do that one after I saw this tweet and Sister J pointed out Ivanka was the only one not wearing a mask.  They all troll/comm so I knew there was a message she wanted us to search for. Very powerful photo, btw:

First – MASK equals 44 in simple gematria.  And who was #44?  Obama.

I also wanted to see what the 44th Q drop contained.  Check it out:

Before POTUS departs on Friday he will be sending an important message via Twitter. God bless.
That could prove interesting.  We will see if this is a marker for this Friday…
Now for some matches to MASK:




Big Data


OANN (thinking of the news network – One America News Network – which i feel is part of the plan)

A Plan

Q Ball


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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

4 thoughts on “Today’s gematria and a reflection”

  1. Detach – same guidance I got from and for myself. We’re not here to get bogged down in this 3d/transition, because we have bigger plans for ourselves (and humankind.) After all, did you really do all of this work for all of this time to get caught up in this same old garbage now? Of course not. We are warriors, but our warrior days are done – hopefully time to play and create in the new soon! 🙂 Take care my friend…

    1. thank you anthony – beautiful words. after i read them, i felt this calm warmth spread over me and i felt as you did – we did what were called to do – we did good! 🙂

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