Today’s Interesting Synchro


today at breakfast, we were talking about the weather which has been very unusual here.  having lived in this area of the country since birth, i don’t recall ever having a summer like the one we’ve had.  a lot of rain and cool breezes.  when it is sunny, the temps struggle to reach 80.  as my mate said weeks ago he felt we were in for a “summer of the cool breeze”.  it indeed has been very windy for weeks.

so as we discussed this he and our girl mentioned the calendar and how off it was.  that is when i had that immediate feeling in my gut i now receive when something doesn’t align.  i said we weren’t to go by the calendar system anymore – not the one they have given to us as it was no longer valid.  i just immediately “knew” this.

a few hours later i receive this text message from brother rick (and i had to pause just now from typing this to read another message from him describing the weather where he lives – lol – another synch):  “at the vatican observatory and on the grounds of vatican city you still see the ‘keyholes’ and ley line markers that were used to establish these calendar systems.  You can also observe as Russell-J Gould, that the keyholes upon which these calendars are based no longer line up.  The Procession of the constellations has moved on, and the basis of the calendar systems has shifted until everything is out of alignment and invalidated.”

i would say this is another way of saying we have been moved (something he and i both have been saying/feeling for well over a year) and going by the calendar’s that hang on our wall are not really necessary – certainly not as a marker to indicate weather or time.  how this plays out, i don’t know obviously.  but i did find it very interesting i had this sudden feeling within and awhile later, receive an unexpected message of confirmation.

many plans playing out – inside and outside the realm/dome – some we see, others we feel within.  for now, at least when it comes to the weather, i smile as i see the meteorologists struggle to accurately predict weather 24 hours ahead much less 12.  under “normal” (old) conditions, the claim was accurate forecasting for 72 hours.  those days are gone.

as my grandpa, the farmer, used to say, “want to know the weather?  go outside.”



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.