Today’s Reflection


an honest current rant:

just as i begin typing this i see “It’s Go Time” on a fellow “Home” sister on social media.  and as i see that i receive a message from brother rick saying we are to be ready to go at a moment’s notice – no date or time given.  just be ready.

what does that even indicate?  be ready.  how do we do that?

who among us is finished (at least today in this moment) with hearing “get ready it’s coming” – but month after month and year after year pass on by and here we are.  i’m not playing this game. i don’t want to.  i’m going on with my life – here in reality.  this reality.  the one i can see, feel, taste, smell.  while i have had plenty of experiences that have guided me that “IT” is real – why let myself feel any longing for Home at this point?  what purpose does it serve other than to distract me from the Here and Now?  to be honest – i’m feeling i no longer consent to just being “pulled out of here” without being asked – without some sort of a notice.  to do otherwise is now feeling like a violation.

could just be another program – although programs are benign until energetic intention is put into them.  so all of this could just be a never-ending torture show.  lol  feels that way to me at times.  dangle the carrot that is always just a wee bit out of reach.  at some point all stop playing the game – and we grow our own carrots.

who is down for that?

all of this being said what is going on today energetically??  around 1:30pm pacific time i was hit hard with something.  i had been feeling great – had a lot of energy then WHAM.  mate was out and when he came home he said he felt something heavy come over him at the same time.  all of the usual energy graphs i follow aren’t showing anything.  i had thought it was a proton blast – those usually make me feel the way i was and am – body suddenly feeling heavy needing to stretch and stretch and stretch.

to assist with this experience – in releasing it and moving my body – i took advantage of this amazing weather (warm and sunny) and went on a hard and fast bike ride.  that helped move some stored energy.

i will say this – whatever is happening is increasingly pushing me to speak my mind without internalizing out of fear.  i was once told – many years ago – my “real” voice was deeper.  i’ve been mistaken for being a young child over the years – and this morning i was sharing something w/my mate and as i did – i felt myself grow within about 10 feet and my voice was rather loud and booming.  i wasn’t trying to be domineering – but as i spoke words i have needed to say for a long time – i realized my voice was bigger and deeper.

what’s new with all of you?  anything amazing?  i am focused on wonderful supportive generous awesome experiences and people to enter my life.  my experience needs pretty much a full makeover.




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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “Today’s Reflection”

  1. Someone wise once posted that ascension is an “inside job”, but, that assistance will be given for the “missing piece”. I get the feeling that individuals will ascend in frequency at different times, depending on where they are at in this process. The upcoming 11:11 gateway will provide ample opportunity to make a giant leap forward, if ready. I’ve also ascending read that the process of ascension may feel like being turned inside out, i.e. the outer energy layer/ego will be subsumed, and the higher self becomes the new being born. Others may just walk through an energy portal that presents itself.

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