Today’s reflection


*Let me clarify – when I say “this will be it” I was referring to tonight – not for good.  I apologize for not clarifying that and thank those of you who have written me.


This will be it – unless I feel some inspiration or receive some insight.  I am at a new level of fatigue – body struggling on down to the ability to talk.

So I read where allegedly President Trump gave some dates  of the Storm – from election day to inauguration day.  That’s when things go b.sheot crazy as indictments will be opened/revealed.


Anyone else absolutely not only not consenting to that agenda/calendar but also not seeing it?  Another 3 weeks of this already rabid crap?  Then things go really full on insane?

Who is in charge of this movie?  When do those of us who absolutely don’t want this experience and don’t align with it get some damn freedom to NOT BE HERE IN THIS?  You know – Home.  The Event.  Sky Event.  East.  West.

And the simple concept of being in charge of ones own experience – inside AND out.

The goal post keeps getting moved – dangling the carrot continues.

Days like today I don’t see the purpose and even if explained to me, I am not aligning.  Not my experience.  Not for me.

Much bigger happening.  BRING IT already.  My faith has been wavering – not in my lack of ability to embrace what I desire – but the idea that WE are supposed to be having this grand moment that many of us have not just felt but seen.



Patience is not in my realm of comprehension today.





Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

8 thoughts on “Today’s reflection”

  1. yup. times a bazillion.
    i cannot even believe this finessing Trump was doing at the rally, saying indictments will come after elections.
    when will our petitions for divine dispensations come SOONER rather than later?
    Rose hasnt tweeted since the 4th, Lisa said she’s said all she needs to say….would so love to see this wrap up now. 🙁

    1. yes. i feel like i have fallen for a lie. it is absolutely possible this is all a lie – trump’s just dangling the carrot to get locked in for 4 more years – and none of these promised changes happen. i don’t get it – and i certainly don’t do blind faith – which is what we’re being called to do. i’ll send rose a message through twitter. while i feel there is nothing more to say myself – i am not feeling as comfortable as lisa is. quite the opposite. trying to focus on what i want but there is still that nagging “what if” doubt. i also go by what i SEE as this going by how i feeeeel and all of this guidance has not produced the desired result.

  2. Got Ben Fulford’s newsletter today, in which he mentioned something quite interesting.
    He said that all of the observatories around the world are being shut down. Question is, what are they trying to hide from us!? Odd things happening to planets i.e. they are moving like they shouldn’t? Mmmhhh….
    There also seem to be two sides to Potus, one wants the vaccines and such, and the other wants freedom for the people. We all know what the vaccines are about, and what technology they are connected to. Not something I subscribe to. It’s all building up to a crescendo.

    1. yes – those two sides. schizo movie/schizo characters. it is definitely building to a peak – i feel that. end of oct/early nov is when things go KABOOM (in a good way). my feel.

  3. I can hardly move , I have lost interest in all the things I once enjoyed except watching the leaves change color. I wonder if we are supposed to turn our backs to everything. Except our dear hearts near us. It’s like my higher self is sitting on me to not move.

  4. My faith in what I feel and have seen is not wavering, but in the “show” outside – I never was invested in it and honestly didn’t feel or see it playing out to its conclusion in 3D. At least not for us that are as Rose says “on the exit.” Of course, I’m beyond what she calls “sitting,” for me it feels more like “lying down in a drugged stupor.” Probably because I’m grieving my pet, but even before, I felt myself detaching completely from what little I still cared about here and I can’t even muster the will to fight so I can work, all I want to do is sleep and be rid of these migraines and honestly, just be DONE. Zero will to live or “hold space” left. This is soooo (years) overdue and I’m too exhausted to do anything now except wait. For what it’s worth, I’ve personally had several of the odd “sounds that don’t belong” I think both Lisa and Rose mentioned and I believe they tried to pull me out at the same time as my pet but for some reason, it didn’t work, so adjustments have to be made. There may be a mass exodus moment but for some of us, I do feel it will be an individual “blink out.” Maybe as a test run?

    Back to the outer “show” here, I don’t know if you listen to Chris Geo, but his latest covers it and may be relevant to the back and forth “wtf” we’re seeing in the outer. He said we’re jumping back and forth between timelines super fast now, too fast to feel settled or for a tarot reading to matter. He said he thinks he has another mission to do. I personally felt the timelines jumping around but didn’t resonate with being here long enough to see anything play out. I feel Lisa’s exit schedule is accurate and I refuse to put any energy or thought into any other outcome, period. WE ARE GOING. NOW. That’s where I’m at. Lisa said it’s an inside job and we all have our story for how we’re getting out of here, and not to listen to anyone else, and I agree. Regardless of what happens “out there,” or what I hear from even trusted sources, if it doesn’t align, I’m ignoring it as “not for me.”

    1. i love your insight aria – if it doesn’t align, it isn’t for you/me/us. absolutely. speaking with a friend today she said she had someone ask her to send her some positive thoughts – and my friend said she just didn’t have it in her to do that. i GET that. yesterday there is no way i had the energy to do that. today – i felt a lift later in the day. thank you for your wonderful share. xo

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