Today’s Reflection


extreme exhaustion.  clumsiness.  head pressure.  craving ice cream. NOTHING in the happenings or alleged happenings in the news headlines interesting me.  was going to share some headlines but they all felt so heavy and chaotic – too much drama.  i didn’t want to put that here.  it isn’t that i’m trying to be the ostrich w/her head in the sand – i know the game.  the movie.  i’m just not into participating in it right now.  AT ALL.

i read an interesting piece on an Event group.  she spoke of the colors purple and bright light in the skies and getting zapped right now in very intense ways which is calling many of us to SLEEP and SLEEP A LOT.  i cannot seem to get enough sleep at the moment.  i wake up – return to sleep fast – feel i could do that for days right now.  anyway i found her description very interesting as it aligned w/the dream i had a few nights ago of the purple skies and the sudden bright light that appeared.  also aligned w/her comment on getting zapped right now – and feeling heat in the body.  WOWSER yes!  some nights i am just suddenly jolted w/something that causes my entire body to shake as though it’s being electrocuted in a painless manner.  also feeling sudden intense heat causing me to break out in a sweat – HIGHLY unusual for me.  mate is having the same experience.

the impatience for “the plan” is at a peak.  the impatience for transition – also at a peak.  when we know we are DONE with something we just KNOW and being told to be patient by those who aren’t at that “done” space isn’t cutting it.

the schumann is bubbling at the moment – and so i am going to go take a long hot shower and indulge in some chocolate ice cream.  then sleep.  and sleep.  and sleep some more.




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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.