Today’s Reflection ~ 4/4


I was holding onto the thought in the back of my  mind that today would produce something wonderful.  That whole 44 thing…

My mate said I woke him up more than once last night saying “I AM DONE” in my angry voice.  Emotionally Healthy Translations of Stuff You Yell at Your ...

He said it isn’t a pretty voice.  lol  I do recall waking up angry – hitting my pillow once.  My left eye has been twitching off and on for a week now.  That is always my indicator my inner emotional state has reached the boiling over point.  We’ve been getting out of the house – walking, biking, going out in nature – but that doesn’t seem to be as effective as it once was.

I wonder if any of our tools are working now.  At least fully.

I was reflecting on the schumann earlier – that grid/fence like pattern which continues.  It has been consistent for weeks – and it coincides with my ongoing frustration I struggle to shake.  One of you reflected that it could be serving to keep us cut off from Source/Higher Self.  I feel that.  I tuned in last night before going to sleep and tried and tried and tried to FEEEEL Source – to FEEL something within – to get some guidance.  SOMETHING.

All I felt and heard was silence.  Nothing came through.  That has been ongoing for several weeks.

All of my old happy things – those activities that once enlivened me – not so much.  I used to love baking pies.  Tonight I made some mini apple pies.  My crust kept sticking to the rolling pin and I realized I didn’t have enough dough for what I wanted so I decided to make 3 little mini’s and put the rest into a pan with some crumble on top.  The mix I used was impromptu – oatmeal, butter and maple syrup.  I used my hands and by the time I was done I had crumble on the counter, my jeans, my top, some in my hair and the rest on the apples – which probably has some of my DNA in it at this point.

I am having food delivered weekly now which is costing me more than I want to spend – but going shopping with a face diaper on or taking the chance and NOT doing it or not doing it “correctly”- I just don’t have the energy atm.

I am however doing something new and different.  Our kitchen has a lot of windows – all facing the street.  When I open them it sounds like a loud speaker outside – the sound really amplifies.  So… I am using that as my little stage.  I’ve done it many times the last few days.  When I see someone walk by with a face diaper, I will put on my “OMG” voice of enthusiasm and shock and pretend I am having a phone call.  “Did I tell you what I just heard?  The masks are making people sick!  Yes I am not making this up.  It isn’t just people I know but friends of friends who are getting really sick.  It sure woke me up!  And I also heard they don’t even work!  Doctors are saying that now did you know that?”  I’m also saying similar things about the vaccines and who knows what else I will throw in.  I’m rather enjoying this.  And it isn’t as though I am lying – I am sharing real experiences and personal research.

Something odd happened here – one of our big box stores closed early today for the happy bunny resurrection holiday.  That is a first.  Another store is closed altogether.  Very odd.

I leave you with a tag line – compliments of my mate:

Every time a person refuses to wear a face mask,
the angels scream:  “ITS ABOUT F’ing TIME!”

Ding a ling ling.  Ring that bell!


V | Calligraphy alphabet, Tattoo fonts, V alphabet


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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

3 thoughts on “Today’s Reflection ~ 4/4”

  1. For all ye fellow mask rebels–has anyone researched the possibility that perhaps there is something else in the air other than the magical mystery invisible enemy?
    I mean–what if we are getting sprayed stratospherically with some other secret dust particulate?
    Anyhoo…I have not come across this alternative paranoia factor detail; but hey, shouldn’t we be asking questions re the totality of our infinite universe? Maybe there is another reason for the masks. And, of course– they’re unhealthy, and recycling our exhaust is unhealthy–PERIOD!

    The jojo character is just a Simpsons/Southpark creation. Nothing to see here–holograms and smoke and mirrors. Pax one and all.

  2. I agree wholeheartedly the energy is very disturbing and dreams reflect it.
    I will have to try working in the garden.

  3. I love your idea of pretending to be on the phone, to impart the message to those outside! 😁

    We had a lovely day on Saturday – weather perfect, we got all the jobs on the list done, and, it seemed, wherever we drove, the traffic lights were in our favor.

    We ate at the Texas Roadhouse, and for the first time – picked our steaks from the cabinet at the entrance – they arrived at the right time (there has been a horrible trend in the restaurant trade for about 15 years now, to bring the main course before the appetizer is completely consumed – thereby turning the table faster… ghastly), and were cooked to perfection. We came home and sat on the patio enjoying the quiet (so rare nowadays as the family who moved in recently bought a quad atv, and insist on riding it round, and round their back yard – quite apart from the racket, they are turning the ground into a dust storm.)

    So it was a lovely day.

    Sunday… just the opposite. Felt as if every piece of equipment, from the hose, to the rake, had a mind of its own, and was saying, ‘No!’… felt as if massive amounts of energy were expended for very little gain… felt aggived at hubs for no reason… so we worked away from each other – me washing windows, him picking up tumbleweeds and trash from the fence and dropping some more driveway gravel on the long time bald spots.

    Collapsed on the couch to watch ‘Flight if the Phoenix’, glad of the upbeat ending.

    Hoping Monday will be more like Satuday!

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