Today’s Reflection ~ 7/7/19


looking through social media today in a private awakening group, i read, yet again, of another’s experience with family who is deeply programmed by the media narratives.  this time it was her mother – who is around the age of my mother.  her mother is behaving in a way that is very unusual for her – borderline harassing her daughter over her support for Trump.

this had me recall my own experience with a couple of family members in recent months who too behaved in ways that were very out of character for them at the mention of Trump.

at this point the programming is so deep – it’s locked in until they see otherwise coming FROM the media outlets in which they watch.  i feel so strongly about this:  it is going to take the plan creators to take control of the media and show the truth.  the media is the enemy of the people.  we hear/read this continuously over the past 2 plus years.  we get it.  it’s time to SHOW HOW.  time for proof to be revealed.  the programmed masses are not going to awaken on their own at this point.  we can’t reach them.  it’s called “programming” for a reason.  so…..i’m certainly done with that journey.  done with the disrespect and attacks.  my self worth and self respect are worth far more than their programmed minds awakening.

some say their heads will explode, etc. if they see the truth.  excuse me, but aren’t their heads already “exploding”?  if their heads “explode” via witnessing a lie, what does it matter if they have the same type of experience witnessing the Truth?

they’ll be ok.  and if some aren’t, isn’t the Truth being revealed – and the media taken out – more important than the small minority who will require some assistance?

i think so.  i feel so.

i know so.

so anyone on Team Q reading this –  know i support what you are doing.  i “get” why all cannot be revealed.  and yet at this point – the ball is in your court to take over the awakening of those deeply programmed masses.  it is your responsibility to remove the deep state media mouthpieces.  people like myself – i am done going this alone in my own little reality.  done with the looks.  the attacks.  the ostracizing.  D O N E.

in my own community – i am seeing more “implants” you could say.  this time it is the drugged out homeless people – mostly males.  they are literally all over this town.  i am now seeing them show up on the streets in our neighborhood.  one guy had a dog with him and was walking up a nearby street – talking very loudly to himself.  they’re taking over certain parks nearby – pitching tents, making fire pits and now they are putting up chicken wire and at times fishing line with fish hooks to keep the general public out – even though these are public parks mostly occupied by children and families.  people who clean up find needles and human waste all over. we are turning into seattle/portland/l.a./san fran.  we have a friend who works for the city and he and his crew have to clean up some of these messes if they are by streams, etc.  the rest is handled by parks and rec and the irony in that is one of the biggest camping grounds is right by their facilities.

this has been a growing problem but wow – since the beginning of this year – it has exploded which gives credence to the theory that this is a simulation and programs/bots can be inserted.  no coincidence this is happening at this given point in our experience of revealing and ending.

today my body is telling me to move/go/do slowly.  as i continue to say the need for quiet and solitude and peace is ever-growing.  i did a lot of “peopling” this past week and need some time of NO peopling.  i slept far better last night than i have in several nights – no waking up WIRED – but still waking up feeling as though i have been very busy.  and i do not consent to doing that anymore.  i had written to lisa harrison about the recent dream i had where i saw her and others and myself in some meeting.  she responded back saying the past month (of june mostly) had been very busy with many of us being in meetings in that time/realm.

UGH!  i will no longer engage in that.  if i am to be a part of some “something” in that space – i will do so in a vision while awake.  the key being – while i am AWAKE in this vessel.  i have a household to run – a child to care for and now that i am doing some temp. work for a neighbor (of a physical nature)- i need my strength and energy to exist in this experience here and now.

and who knows how “long” meetings will go on…..i’m rather done with all of that.  i know what i desire and i know what i want.

i know what i have seen.

and i know what i feel.

and lastly – i know ANY THING is possible. ANY EXPERIENCE.  so ALL i desire/feel/want CAN manifest.  we know this realm is artificial.  we know it’s controlled.  we know we have been enslaved to varying degrees.

put that all together and that means we CAN manifest an Event.  we CAN manifest an exit here and the manifestation to this longing visual for Home.

that is the one thing i KNOW and the one thing i KNOW i will never ever stop holding in my heart.

that is all.




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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “Today’s Reflection ~ 7/7/19”

  1. Just know,V. that I echo your sentiments and quietly support you and your endeavors. We are doing it! Thanks, Kiddo! J.

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