Today’s Reflection and whatever else



So………other than what I share above – exhausted.  Took a nap today.  Could just sleep and sleep and sleep.  It was hard to do that last night – I felt this nervous energy – which I feel creep in now and then.

Body stuff.  Doing EFT.  I’m doing my “GOOD ON YA” girl for getting myself and child fed with healthy food – in bed at a decent hour.  If there are more smiles than frowns – I’ve done good.  Here are a few finds.




This, imho, is the biggest news today.  Could be cover?  Another “epstein” event?  Or flat out evil.  I don’t know…..










Some good ones – just stay away from Red Cross and similiar “giants”….




I didn’t believe it – but this sheot is real.  lololol

From Twitter:

Now before you panic, that we are being mocked again. This is for the sleeping public.

This will be equal to Bill and Teds movies.

They are stupid funny, but the truth.

Easier for ppl to absorb what has and is happening. REDPILL movie goers!

Go check out how stupid the trailer is..

I need all the humor I can get these days…..
Is this the 11.3 marker?
Attorney Fuellmich on Nuremberg 2.0: Justice will Not Come by the Courts but by the People Rising Up

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich practices law in Germany and in California, and he has been exposing the crimes against humanity by the Globalists who have inflicted the false COVID-19 narrative on the public and mandated their dangerous bioweapons called “vac…
Where haven’t “they” been spraying?
In response Rich Webster to his Publication

I do. The technology exists, there was a ton of spraying prior to the tornado, the NEXRAD Base Reflectivity was bright orange and showed microwave pulses.
I just don’t know why….so sad.





Haven’t used this or anything like it in 20 years…..Just UGH….

Tide Class Action Lawsuit Says Purclean Laundry Detergent Isn’t So Pure



We’ve ALWAYS been amazing.  “They” just stop us whenever they can because it’s all they have in their twisted need for control .  NO.  MORE.






Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.