Today’s Reflection ~ The Moon. The matrix. And our Healing.


I’ve continued to reflect on the moon and its influence on us.  Its purpose. This simulated object is not something that serves us – we serve it (when we give it energy especially our focused energy).  I am going to say something that both repels people from my site but also brings in readers who say things to me like “YES!  I thought I was the only one.”

This latest mass meditation on the full moon and the eclipse was to give that object more energy.  It had nothing to do with freeing us.  Why do I feel this?  Because we have had so many full moon meditations to release us from this prison and from our past, we should have been free of it all by now. I know the concept of where we are and who we are and how to be free are more complex than that.  I continue to ponder this situation seeking answers from within.

Full Moons create anxiety and for some, manic behavior.  Chaos.  Energies zapping us to “purge” what is within.  A totally unpleasant experience.  Why is that?  If the moon is our friend, shouldn’t the full moon bring us lasting peace? Lasting liberation?  And even at that, what IS a “full” moon?  It only appears full, crescent, etc. to our eyes.  I don’t visit my friends to bring them discomfort. My intent is to bring joy, companionship, support.  That is what LOVE DOES.

It’s been said (and in which I agree – or at least I can find no reason not to see truth) that the moon has been used as the reincarnation trap.  We leave our bodies.  We get “sucked” towards the moon (the white light) – we get our experiences wiped then we get tossed back in to a new body for another lovely new experience.

So I was thinking of how I felt the past couple of days with the full moon (and the eclipse).  HORRIBLE emotionally.  Mentally.  I felt a lot of agitation.  Argumentative.  Easily triggered.  I pulled myself out of this last night and said “this is NOT who I AM”.  I felt we were bombarded with frequencies from that thing and just like this matrix energy system, if we give the moon (or whatever fake object they have planted here) focus and support without question, some get a reward.  Like a token in a game.  Or a rat in a cage gets its cheese when it does what its masters want him to.  I don’t like saying this but for now this is how I am seeing this 3d experience.

I have noticed for myself in the past when I would give my feminine energies of honor and love to the moon, I would feel blessed.  Serene.  And yet now I have noticed when I have questioned all of that and no longer participate in full moon ceremonies, I feel yuck.  Coincidence?

If the moon were truly supportive, this would not have been my experience. Such a consciousness would seek to gently and lovingly guide one back to join in and focus w/It.  Right?

I am wondering as well if the moon keeps those energies of past experiences alive within us.  I could be absolutely wrong on this one but again, this is how I am seeing this and feeling this.  It has energy cords (invisible…or perhaps visible to certain eyes as well)…attached to us.  Each of us, unique “codes”. When the call for another “purge” is sent out, those of us most in tune with the experience of purging feel the old stuff come up.  We cry all over again. Release.  Forgive.  And aaahhh we move on.  Ignore it (as I have been doing) – and the “pounding” within to stir things up feels, for me that is, even more intense.

Only to repeat all over again.

My question:  How many “times” does one need to “purge” in order to be free of past pain?

Perhaps I am being guided to dig deeper and really feel that every thing that creates pain and fear in this realm is an illusion.

I did an experiment this morning – totally without my ego mind or human brain involved.  This came from within.  I had an experience that often leaves me weeping – longing for home, the old real ways I once experienced – that sort of weeping.  Only this time I felt that Me within and “out there” guide me to just feel the love of the experience instead of just focusing on the energy of longing.  The experience that normally left me weeping had me feeling so happy and serene I giggled like a child.  It.  Was.  AWESOME!

Later on as I shared it with my mate, I felt a pull on my body to go back to the energy of longing and I could literally feel my energy SINKING and being sucked in – as in quick sand.  NO.  I immediately put a stop to that and said “NO” and was able to let it go.  For the most part.  Later on in the shower I had a crying experience and then made myself stop.  No, I said.  I’ve already cried over this.  I WILL NOT ENGAGE IN DOING THIS.

Stop feeding what the machine wants – it has to wither away.

While I am not exactly sure HOW we all actually literally get out of here and change this realm over into what so many of us have seen, experienced, longed for – I do feel our days of doing all of these purging things can be over if we simply refuse to feed the code within us that, again just feeling this – this code that says “keep the purging going continuously until…..”.

Doesn’t such energies feed the matrix machine?

I feel it does.

Think of it this way.  We know this realm and the systems that are a part of it are designed to keep us afraid.  Traumatized.  Focused away from love and the like.

And yet, again, like I don’t know exactly HOW we “get out” (lots of theories I have shared here – I align and continue to align most w/Lisa Harrison and Yellow Rose) – I have this quiet feeling within I don’t need to participate any longer in my experiences of purging and feeling things and experiences that DO NOT BRING ME LOVE and JOY.  And that brings up the part of addiction and how I also feel many of not most or all of us have a level of addiction w/in us that keeps us stuck in the past.  More on that perhaps at another “time”.

So while perhaps I may still be a part of this matrix system – for now – I can at least take another step in my refusal to participate IN it.  Maybe it can be and is as simple as saying “No been down that road” (just like in The Matrix Movie) – then giving any resistance Love and Forgiveness.

Does this make sense?

And one last word – on the mechanics of “how” to break free from an energy net – matrix grid:  We need a Spiritual MacGyver.

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.