Today’s Reflection ~ what to post?


i don’t know what to post today.  there’s an executive order on patient care on improving price and transparency which doesn’t resonate much as i don’t align with modern medicine or insurance.  unless it’s releasing the tech, i’m not interested.

ben fulford and luke rudkowski (we are change) are saying trump’s taking us to war and is just another khazarian puppet.  one is controlled op – the other – just not able to see what’s behind being shared.  been encountering many like that lately wanting to engage in conversation.  i had shared a recent study showing 30% of the migrants showing up at the border in texas lied about the children being theirs – according to DNA tests.  i was told this just shows how desperate these poor people are.  please.  who kidnaps children who aren’t theirs just to get into another country?  where did those children come from?  imagine how traumatizing it is for them.

i had to end that conversation.  just not interested.  it is so late in this “game” – i see what i see.  i feel what i feel.  i know what i know.  and i don’t have time to engage in dialogue with someone who is in a completely different reality (in terms of perception).  i wish them well.  i am on my own path.

my mate is saying there’s  “a lot” going on.  perhaps there is.  i resonate w/what kp says at times – today – just not into any of it so far today.  if that changes or if i find something that resonates, i’ll post.

i did have a new experience earlier – just remembered.  i was vacuuming – reflecting on what i wanted to do different.  i had this sudden feeling come through me that there was nothing i could think of to try new that would align with me – here and now.  wow.  that felt very big – and bit scary.  was this the next step in letting all go here?  another poke?  i’m not sure.  just another day of feeling very weird.  the “not all here” experience very present – as is the “not aligning energetically need to go now” experience.  a strange experience – wanting to be alone but not wanting to be alone.  wanting to connect with others but not wanting to when there’s an obvious disconnect.

argh!  lol

well enough rambling.




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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.