Today’s Reflections ~ 1/15/19


Whoo wow!  A real challenge today to just do basic stuff.  My mind is trying to flush out everything I have seen and read.  There are so many orbs and objects being captured now (myself included on the cams) and just as many theories.  Some say they’re showing themselves – the ones who have controlled this realm – and to expect cataclysm and chaos.  Others say they’re from Home and are helping bring this to an end.  I align with that one and reject/object to the previous.

The “waiting” feeling continues.  I was up throughout the night last night – even my girl came in at 4am saying “mom i can’t sleep for some reason”.  “Me neither,” I said, snuggling in with her.  A couple of times I tuned in – tried to that is.  Is anyone else feeling a huge empty void right now when tuning in?

I’m having a challenge today in operating basic household stuff.  My hands, once again, don’t feel they are a part of me – they feel foreign.

I need this body to feel better.  I am contemplating taking the $$ plunge and getting some HGH.  Linea Faerylight Ginn has been on a homeopathic (cream) product for 3 months now and says she feels old injuries healing, is sleeping much better and has more energy.  It isn’t cheap ~ around $140 for a 2 month supply.  But I am desperate at this point to feel better.  Good sleep and more energy would go a long way for me right now!

So I also am reading the solar flash is imminent.  I ponder these predictions and the dates that come and go.  I feel a little disappointed when this happens, but what disappoints me the most is when those sharing the information don’t own it or at least say something after-the-fact.  Being true to my word is so important to me and it bothers me that some in this community don’t seem to care – not that they don’t – that is just my perception so mine to own.  It feels careless to me.  If I saw a date and shared it and it didn’t pass, I would own it – especially if I had a big audience.  I don’t like letting people down.  Likely why I don’t say “by this date this will happen” because I would have had a lot of explaining to do the past 2 years.  ha ha

I indeed do long to know what exactly is going on and how it will play out. Days like today I feel like I’m just along for the ride.  A challenge for me as I like to do the driving.

I had a really nice validation today from the electric meter reader.  The electric company, as I mentioned last year, began charging me to read the meter because I opted out of their smart meter installation program.  When I brought this up he said he thought the decision was ridiculous and absolutely not necessary.  When I told him I refused to pay it for awhile, he said “Good for you!” but then I had to add I had to pay it as they threatened me with a shut-off notice.  So we spoke a bit about corporate monopolies.

The collective – we are done.  Even those that don’t speak out. Energetically, I could sense from him, he too was done with such dominance and greed.  I would say most of humanity is tired and spent.  Whether one is conscious of this fatigue, it is there.

Ok I had to take a break (child has a friend over and both needed a snack). During that time I spoke with Brother Rick and my mate about dreams each of them had last night.  Rick’s dream involved a giant blender sucking up the Universe while Being’s at the top poured love in.  My mate’s dream involved seeing a massive stargate shaped like a giant tractor tire.  People were walking towards it – even the ones who looked like zombies. EVERYONE was going towards the gate.  There was a myriad of reactions.

I feel both of these dreams are prophetic for where we are and for how I have felt this transition will occur.  We get out.  We are pulled out.  How?  I don’t know.  But ALL go.  And the love being poured in as Rick mentions I feel is what we call The Event.  I have at times felt that The Event is nothing more than Source Frequencies being returned to us in full.  The fact that Trump has said “portal” this past week AND allegedly took a photo of a portal-like object out AF1 plus he also allegedly said “I won’t be here” when someone in his cabinet asked “what are we going to do about the debt and the coming economic collapse?”  He knows.  He’s been able to see plus I feel he’s been in contact w/Beings from Home.

Love helps.  Without judgment.  Without expectations.

It.  Just.  Does.

Love in action = The Event.  Hey, that’s pretty good.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”smiley” wrap=”i”]




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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

3 thoughts on “Today’s Reflections ~ 1/15/19”

  1. Yes Yes Yes , all day. Huge empty void if I’m not tuning in!!! Not used to having to tune in all day. Cannot let my mind go for more than a bit, it wants to cause fear and judgement, or anything to keep me in its game. Never felt this extreme before. My only saving grace today was to “tune in”,… some family and other people in my life have presented me with various chaos es to consume . Its a big no thanks, but how do I keep them from dumping massive crap on me ? I am blessed with a learning today that has been in process for a while,….been saying it for along time…… bless all the infractions, and the creators of such…..forgive ALL the clowns. Then I’ll be ok……………FAT CHANCE !…. I had to feel it in my heart ! Then I felt some peace, I “got it” today. Now its up to me to hang on to it.

    1. forgiveness of those who created the horrors here is the biggest challenge isn’t it? i’ve had it in moments…it’s one of those experiences where i can’t get caught up in my stories in my mind of blame and such…not that they don’t have validity…but obviously inner peace is what i’m after. t/y for dropping in and commenting MJ. 🙂

  2. Totally resonate with you especially with those who give dates and don’t own it. It rubs me the wrong way.
    Hope this Blood Moon on the 21st shows something noticeable. Take care!

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