Today’s Reflections ~ 2/15/19


i had an interesting dream last night that i feel ties in to some news i received after i woke up.  i learned my college roommate died.  cancer (lymphoma).  i lost touch with her years ago but through a mutual friend, i knew she had been diagnosed only a few months ago and this morning saw the news.  “i read the news today, oh boy….”  indeed.  it was very aggressive and all treatments failed.  so i’ve been reflective.  the emotions of sadness, grief and anger arose.  this shit-hole realm and its creations of the parasitic ones do this sort of thing.  i know and you know this sort of experience was NEVER consented to by any conscious being.  i shake my head and think what a waste and yet know all is changing.  so sad and unnecessary and yet also so bright are the skies in front of me/us.

so onto this dream.  i was seeing a screen and watching the scene at the end of “Ghost” where patrick swayze’s character is standing in the light, speaking to molly (demi moore) pointing to his chest saying “you take all of the love inside with you”.  one of the most poignant, beautiful scenes in a movie.  i wondered in the dream why i was seeing this.  i then felt that love in the heart chakra.  i could feel the truth in that line and then i could “feel” someone leaving.  it was rather odd but palpable.  i didn’t know what it meant at the time nor when i woke up.  i shrugged it off until i saw just 30 minutes later the news about my college friend.  i shared it with my mate and began saying “i think maybe she was coming through to me…” and could not finish.  emotions and tears just overcame me.

lots of memories come up of course of those days.  the people.  i remember the last time i saw her in person.  we were hugging and she was crying because we would no longer be living in the same city much less state together.  i remember i was surprised at how much she really cared for me that she would cry like that…. (some sad matrix program i have carried – the beLIEf that i am unlovable/not worthy of love and friendship)…..and in that moment i was hit with tenderness and an awareness that my heart was not as open as i thought and a desire to BE more of ME.  i was still young – and became completely uncomfortable with such a “feel” and slipped back into old me.  my energy is HUGE when it is PURE ME and i learned that energy smothers people (the “normies”).  i was told countless times to “turn down my bubbles” in both loving and unfortunately, mostly, quite smothering ways.

i also experienced regrets of letting her fade away from my life.  i know people come and go – but does it have to be this way?  instead should not it be about us making the CONSCIOUS choice to leave our physical vessel on our CHOOSING…. and we all celebrate together and honor the person’s choice as this person makes the fully free, loving, beautiful choice to go have another experience elsewhere – after an experience of hundreds or thousands of “years”?


disease is not natural and absolutely unnecessary.

one last reflection…..pondering the term “quantum” as well and tonight had the goose-bump feel as i thought each time we question the narrative….with each little moment of awakening….a new thought….WE create a quantum experience.  and as each of us have done this, JUST BY HOLDING those new thoughts and feels that come from PURE US – we weaken the quantum experience of the being’s here who have supported the matrix creation as well as the entities for whom were the original creators of the original hijack.  energy IS everything and we ARE doing it.

each and every one of us are the plan.  the plan is not just about 10-12 people and an alliance of  benevolent, freedom supporting beings of “out there” and beyond.  it is about every.  single.  one.  of.  us.

our awakening and our expansion cannot be stopped.  it can be ridiculed and dismissed and challenged and threatened.  but stopped?  no.





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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.