Today’s Reflection’s and Observations


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The theme of the day comes in the form of a song (again):  “You spin me right round baby right round like a record player right round round round”.

Or however the lyrics of that 80’s tune goes.  DIZZY.  Feeling like I am suddenly falling over.  I got hit big time with this experience while in the store and thought for a moment I was going to fall over.  Magnetics are said to be intense crazy right now and this vessel is feeling it in a big way.

I am also hyper sensitive to sounds, noise, smells and all else outside of me… in “my goddess will I ever be able to go outside of this little bubble of mine ever again”.  My girl and I went to a clothing give away today.  This particular place holds it once a year.  We donate throughout the year and for years past, I felt good to engage in this practice.  Today, it didn’t.

It all felt like part of the old.  Just another program.  While I support recycling, reusing and the like, clothes, like all objects/items we have owned, (obviously) carry energy, and I know within we were NEVER created as Original Being’s to share clothing ~ especially in such a low frequency realm.  I have resisted this “feel” of mine for years and gone along w/the system program of “beggars can’t be choosers” and other such b.s.  I have known items we own carry energy for years so when I have picked up used items, I cleanse them, physically and energetically.  And today I was picking up on energies left and right ~ I became intensely overwhelmed.  It felt like I was thrown into a  overly crowded, small room and was picking up on everything around me.  And it was not a pleasant “everything”.  It was chaos.

As I searched through items, I knew this was the last time I would participate in such an event.  I either manifest new or create what I need with a replicator.  Period.  End of story.  I.  Was.  Done.

Grateful for what we found, but done nonetheless.

No longer will I be forced to get used items or items of lesser quality simply because some power over system of pay to live tells me such.

I.  Am.  Done.

I am not angry.  Not this time.  Simply I am energetically done.

The sensitivity to smells is also at a new level.  While driving home, my girl decided to put on her hand sanitizer.  I let her pick up some stuff from the dollar tree last year.  Normally I use organic/naturally based hand cleansing wipes.  Normally I can handle the smell of her hand cleaner she uses on the rare occasion (she knows I do not like it).

Normally.  lol  Not today.  I did not know she had put it on until after the fact.  The smell made me so dizzy (as if I wasn’t already wonked enough), I honestly thought I would pass out.  I told her to put her hands out the window as I struggled to breath and maintain focus on the road.  The smell continued and it wasn’t until I realized she had just put the bottle out the window that I had to again remind her to put her hands out the window ~ to close the bottle and keep THAT inside the car.

It was quite the scene.  (the bottle has since been tossed in the garbage)

We also made a stop at the local church (catholic ~ yuck!) to drop off some more “stuff” from the trunk.  As I entered the thrift store (the place I donate to), I was asked if I could bring my items to donate inside the church as the normal room for dropping off items was too packed.

“You mean inside THE church?” I asked.  I am so repulsed with churches, especially the c. church and the last time I went inside was earlier this year just to show my daughter where her mom was baptized and well the experience was unpleasant and made us both feel sick inside.  Dark, heavily oppressive, sticky energy.  We left quickly.  The thrift store we visit at times, I am ok w/that.  For a short time that is.  The church?  Whole other experience.

The woman gives me a strange look as in “uh yes how odd of a question is that” and says “yes”.  So I said ok and took the bag of stuff, literally held my breath (I am laughing now as I type this), put up my bubble, told my girl to hold the door open, and ran down the hallway, put the bag on the table and ran back outside, letting out my breath.

And yes ~ the energy was thick and heavy and oppressive.

I am feeling all of these experiences today as my inner Me awakening, speaking, communicating (quite loudly now) “saying” I no longer resonate with, well, anything of this realm that is part of the old control system.  Not one bit of it.

I am a complete, utter, totally, fully, wonderfully disconnected/out of tune/out of frequency complete mismatch.

That sings to me, in the midst of my “you spin me right round baby”, beautiful, loving energies pulling me Home.

So it is.




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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “Today’s Reflection’s and Observations”

  1. I am particularly sensitive to sounds. Even the odd beeps my computer makes tend to bother me. The ringers on my phones I keep at a barely audible level. And I developed a crowd phobia. I feel like I’m being smothered.

    1. oh i hear you on that crowd one ~ i’ve had that issue for years. i also don’t like the sound of people eating either at times. car alarms going off. phone ringing. and when people talk loudly. lol i have a list…..

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