Today’s Reflections on Energies and Experiences ~ 6/9/18


Last night as we went to sleep, I noticed the Schumanski spiking (i went to bed upon seeing that long, end to end spike).  Crawling into bed, I was quickly in a nice deep slumber when our child woke me up.  I guided her back to bed, then crawled back in.  Suddenly I was quite awake.  And hurting.  Hips, right hip in particular.  Back.  Bottoms of feet.  So I began to rub myself, which then disturbed my mate who asked what was going on.

“I hurt,” I said.

“Me too suddenly.  My right hip especially,” he said.

There you go.  The past 24 to 48 hours he and I are on this wave length where we are finishing each other’s sentences like never before and experiencing the same body symptoms, down to a “t” at times.  Recently it was a sudden sharp stabbing pain in the hips for both of us, on separate occasions, while driving the car.  A first.  I took care of that with my “dark begone” tools.

So last night….after rubbing my body, I relaxed some only to have that jolt of energy go through me, leaving me shaking all over.

Allow for it, I guided.  And also given my state of Being lately, I said “ONLY if this is for my benefit and best purpose.”  I have made it clear in recent days, hours, if I am still going through this, still here this time next year or for any years that follow, I will shut it all down.  I am not consenting to this any longer unless I see positive results from it.  At this point, I am having this experience that it just feels old and without (much) purpose.  Good to go, is our phrase around here.

So after I grounded all of this energy, I was suddenly ravishingly hungry.

Great, I thought.  3am and I am still up and needing to eat.

So I crawl out of bed, go the refrig, ask myself what I want – cheese and chocolate and some fruit.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”cool” wrap=”i”]

My staple “ascension” foods as I call them.  I remember being comforted and humored in reading those are also Michelle Walling’s go-to foods as well.

So I helped myself to a slice of cheese and my homemade chocolate (it is so easy to make – if it weren’t I wouldn’t do it – seriously within a few minutes you have chocolate – well melted that is – put it in the freezer for 2 hours and there you go – anyone wanting the recipe just let me know).  Chugged some orange sports drink (didn’t feel like cutting up an orange and I was thirsty) then headed back to bed where I fell into a deep sleep.

Mate told me this morning he as well was suddenly hungry last night at the same time, but he opted to go to sleep.

Today my bones hurt – esp. in my back.  I have returned to having this experience where it feels something wants to grow out of my mid to upper back.  I want to expand there.  The best way I can describe the sensation.

So…..the question still on my mind is what if we are still in this dimension, this experience, next year.  I need to know this.  If I am going to be in this experience for the long haul, plans must be created to move and live elsewhere as this area doesn’t cut it with me any longer and the frustration w/that grows.  I went for a long walk last night – ventured off in a new way – and still had the same experience – i am done seeing and feeling the same “out there”.

I want NEW.

I could feel the trees wanting to talk with me.  I was not interested.  One tree began to say their purpose was to offer pacification while we humans were existing in this realm.  I said thank you – but your job is done.  I am no longer ok with anything that is pacifying.

I want NEW.  NOW.

‘Tis my right.  Your right.

Deep breath……….so making plans and calling forth the new place/small community that fits me now while still in this realm.  If that is doable, so be it.  I am ready.

Here is something interesting.  I began noticing the skies look different – as in a new different – the past oh, 2, maybe 3 weeks.  A different color.  The blue is different.  Then this morning on a private social media group on The Event I belong to, I read this:  “Has anyone noticed the sky? There is white energy coming thru…!!! Therefore!! The sky is not its usual blue. It is instead, perriwinkle. Yes. It is perriwinkle.”  This person also went on to say they experienced white energy in their bedroom and around their body the past 2 mornings.


There you have it.

Much love,



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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “Today’s Reflections on Energies and Experiences ~ 6/9/18”

  1. It took 2 years for me to finish getting my lightbody. It was woth all the pain and agony. At 46 I feel 18 all the time. Hang in there. If it helps I think this group is going through it faster. Much love

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