Today’s Thoughts


i got asked today by a few people ~ are you better today?

allergies are better, yes.  thank you.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]

but that inner feeling?

no.  it remains unchanged.

i don’t see people awakening.  what i see are those who have been on this journey becoming more outspoken.  but the masses awakening?  i’m not seeing that.  i want to.  but at this point all i see are the awakened ones talking with one another.  take my website for example.  many people in my life, if not all, know about my site.  NOT ONE visits.  not a one.  i have asked. (and have since stopped.)

i have shared numerous things lately here and there with others.  my experience is they either don’t understand or they flat out don’t care.  i have heard those words.  “i don’t care” too many times that at this point, if….when this transition out happens, if they remain here, so be it.

i understand apathy.  i have it…. for periods of time ~ and yet i bounce back up again.  and i DO care when i realize i have been absolutely mislead on something.  deeply.

it astounds me that so many don’t care.

just like it astounds me that we have countless parents in this community who have let a verbally abusive teacher teach their kids and they say NOTHING. DO nothing.  they continue to send their children to a situation they have described as a “nightmare” to me.

i don’t get THAT kind of apathy.  

i don’t get it when i tell others of the trafficking issue and what has happened under DJT (the exposure and huge increase in arrests).  the response i have received is yes it is a horrible thing but DJT is still evil in their eyes.

i don’t get it.

i was vaccinated up until my 20’s.  (woke UP)

i have had my share of fluoride until my 40’s.

i am exposed to the chemtrail crap.

gmo exposure.


and I CARE about things like freedom and honesty and truth and justice.


but the masses?

i don’t see it.  i just don’t.

if there needs to be a split, a division, so be it.

simply because they refuse to explore and know and see, doesn’t mean those of us who DO, need to suffer and remain in this reality those refusing to “see” are all too happy with in residing.

they have that right to remain in it.

and the rest of us have the same right to the same freedom.


i heard today that “the event” is up to US.  enough of us calling it in.  co-creating it.  really??  haven’t WE been doing that?  if that’s Truth, if we are still awaiting for more of the sleeping ones to awaken to all of this, we are screwed.  or stuck here for who knows how long.  THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE TO ME.  i do not consent to that.  we do not consent to that “wait until…”

personally, it doesn’t resonate with me, how we have to have “so many” to bring about the event.  it is my strong feeeeeel that we have “enough” here to do just that.  that is what WE came here for.  it is why WE are here.

and I say BRING IT now.  if it creates another divide, again, so be it.

when i first started this blog i had days of being weary of all of “this”.

now i am having it as a near constant experience.

i am ready to do something different.

aren’t you?

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Thank you for stopping in and visiting.  As always, you are free to share my personal writings as long as you do not alter and link back here.  If you wish to support the work I provide, for it is a job and my purpose for now, and I do have self and family to support, please click the button below.  Much gratitude! 

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “Today’s Thoughts”

  1. Amen.
    You are so right about the masses. Let them stay in this if they choose.
    I do not choose!
    I am sick of the infinity loop on this joke.
    I want off NOW! No waiting for anyone, thing, being, timeline, purging, wave, collective,unity starseed, indigo, crystal rainbow, platinum whatever!

  2. youre absolutly right. I feel like we need to misbehave, just like child do something stupid to get enough attention. And this whole ascesion community start to feel like big echo chamber or is already.

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