Today’s Thoughts ~ 8/16/18



Image result for butterfly breaking out of cocoon image


shall i say grumbles?

wow ~ the air of grumpies is collective.  spoken with several of you today and the feeling is the same.  we are done with this experience and command to be free of this realm and its virus and power-over structures.

really overly done with groundhog day.  doesn’t change the feeling even when doing something different ~ just a little diversion.  for now i focus ~ even if it is forced ~ to find moments of connection here and there when i create them.  a good metaphor ~ longing for the whole mint chocolate chip ice cream sundae ~ knowing it is your inherent right ~ or just finding some “relief”, satisfaction in having just a taste.  i want the whole shebang while still engaging in just the taste.

i don’t know what i have a stronger disdain for ~ the old system’s or the new ager’s who continue to spout all of our struggles are due to our own thoughts ~ nothing outside of us can impact us.  affect us.  harm us.  i think of the children….the trafficking….and want to scream at them.  simply ~ “WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN??!!”  how can one hold such a concept ~ that these children aren’t being harmed or are somehow co-creating this experience – allowing it.  i just, i just shake my head and stutter incoherent words and mumbles…  we all have trauma whether we are conscious of it or not.  NO ONE experiences this realm without it.  let us at least acknowledge that and be kind to one another and stop with the blaming of the victim. love the victim.  speak up for the victim.  or as i read last night – so beautiful – “always defend the weak”.

that and the “kill the ego” program.  and what else?  oh yes ~ we are here to suffer and learn lessons and we ain’t getting “out” until we are deemed worthy ~ i.e. fully cleansed/healed and in FULL alignment with bliss and love.  funny how some of them are in that alleged “5D” state of Being (as they claim to be) and yet they are still here.

my ability to be around anything/anyone who doesn’t align with my perceptions and feels continues to be a challenging experience.  i do have some control over that one by just letting ALL be.  that gives me some breathing room within.  return to Me.  meself.  lol  (that should be a word)

i went to one of the big box stores today.  i noticed my experience was different than in recent visits.  i did not have my special stones with me and i did not create the experience i wanted prior to the visit so i kinda made it up as i went.  it was loud.  and quite crowded.  and the energies of the people were very low.  i watched one couple who behaved like robots.  no emotion. i tried to get a read and couldn’t.  they were so shut down.  it brought tears to my eyes and i felt great compassion.  i stood close by – smiled at the husband and they did not see me nor sense me.  it was literally as though they were in one space and i was in another.

i just want the nonsense over.  the illusion.  the lies.  the deception.  the shackles undone for ALL.  the pure (REAL) freedom to “fill in the blank” returned. dark hijacked.  now we call and command The Divine to be returned NOW. in full.  and hey – no “ascension” needed!  (my perception)  as one of you said today ~ and in which i align ~ not all of these physical pains are due to our changing bodies.  some of it is indeed due to the stress of being in this realm ~ as well as the chemtrails, toxins, low frequency energies.  as linea once said ~ the “bots” thrive in this realm.  there is a lot of truth in that, i feel.

this is the weekend i will be selling some of my creations at the street fair. while i have no expectations, i do carry hope that, at the very basic level of survival i sell out what i have ~ at least half.  i’m about broke and it’s halfway through the month.  i put in a lot of hours the past month making my goodies.  the electric company is ignoring my letter (no surprise there) and is still saying i owe them an extra $200.  smart meter opt out “non standard fees”.  targeting the poor and vulnerable.  damn bullies.  off with their ass(ets).

so yes i am done.  you are done.  we are done.  in a truly creative realm, where freedom is the Prime Divine Way, we would all be having a much different experience.  i for one settle for nothing less and continue that command until…  the butterfly is ready to spread her wings and fly.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]




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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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