Tonight’s finds….


still feeling very emotional…..tender….forgiving…tired – quiet within – very quiet…..heart is open…..i was pondering what is going on – especially with the pokie….and the “variant”… side shares their finds – the other, their finds…’s an information battle and i’m just done with it….each has made their own choice….i want the arguing and disagreeing to end….and i want my inner light to step in when my mouth opens itself to keep the battle going……..that said – one truth on this issue alone shared everywhere is so needed now…..and something to remove the spike protein from the body (which also ends the harm being done to the unv’d)….god enough already!……we’re all ready for something new regardless of our position on the virus and all that is wrapped around it.  love, v.








From Red Voice Media…

“Engineer Claims He Has Proof COVID & COVID Vaccines Are Bioweapons – Deleted Wuhan Database”




thank you to carolin for sharing this one:

15 Monoclonal Antibody Sites to Be Operational in Florida by Weekend



REPORT: Chinese Researchers Developing Drug To Counter Vaccine Injuries…How Convenient



Dr. Zelenko@ZZ611

Why do the numbers coming out of Israel constantly get ignored, disregarded or downplayed?





Aug 15+19 2021 – George News – YouTube Live Chat – What Do You Think Happens At Bedminster? 😎

George News Chat Posts (9min) + T45 Afghanistan Strategy Speechs (1hr 03m)

– War In Mid East + UFO Disclosure = Distraction
– Tucker Carlson (FOX Nation) Will Help With Disclosure
– Many Thousands Of Troops Will Head Back To Afghanistan
– T45 Afghanistan Speechs = ‘Future Proves Past’
– What Do You Think Happens At Bedminster? 😉
– So Much We Want To Say… But Cannot ATM…
– FLAGS OUT! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Check out the timestamp on this video…11:22….(i KNEW it – Rowdy Rodney P. still alive??  a wish i have had for awhile too!)…..Anyway another excellent video by one of my favorites 4VKM (now if the G’s wife drops this week it will be icing on the MAGA cake).  Interesting Tgram channel too….live chat going on now…



Feeling sadness and emptiness…..yes ditto….letting go of so much the past few especially…soooooo much….and also wondering so much now “ok what am i going to do next?”….i honestly don’t know….it’s like that next phase – those next “doing’s” – aren’t in my mind/soul/heart yet….and as she said – i am open to creating something TOTALLY new….

Linea ~Going home. August 21th. Feeling empty like a clean computer.





Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

7 thoughts on “Tonight’s finds….”

  1. I got this from a post that was sent to me. The whole article was about time glitches, parallel dimensions and experiences that people have had over the centuries.
    As the article went on, something caught my eye, that made a lot of sense to me. It talked about some dude with an interesting explanation about the Mandela effect, it was something I’ve never heard before. Check it out:
    “Reece” explained this fairly wild theory thus:

    “At some time in the last 10 years or so, reality has been tampered with and history has been retroactively changed. The bears really were called the “BerenstEin Bears” when we were growing up, but now reality has been altered such that the name of the bears has been changed post hoc. Somehow, we have all undergone a π/2 phase change in all 4 dimensions so that we moved to the stAin hexadectant, while our counterparts moved to our hexadectant (stEin). They are standing around expressing their confusion about the “Berenstein Bears” and how they all remember “Berenstain Bears” on the covers growing up. Those who remember the name as “Berenstain” are native to this “A” Universe, while those who are sure it’s “Berenstein” traveled over from the “E” Universe.”
    Is it possible that this could be the reason why we are feeling so out of place? I remember feeling a lot of dizziness around that time that I couldn’t explain. It would make sense!

    1. that is fascinating! thank you! i have another share tonight that shows this mandela effect. in my youth it was berenstEin. so yes – totally makes sense given how out of place i have felt here since i was a little one. definitely the dizziness too. i felt timeline stuff happening today – mate and i both – the dizziness and drugged feeling.

      1. I totally agree with you about the two timelines. They seem to be intersecting at times. There seem to be contradictory stories and frequencies swirling around. It’s all intermixed at times, and then they separate again. Sometimes we are on the positive timeline, and then we feel peaceful, happy, etc., and sometimes we glitch onto the negative one, where the frequencies are ugh, get me out of here! Like a double helix, that’s what I’m seeing. I wonder if the people in the other /our reality feel repulsed by the positive and are happy in the negative frequencies. That would also explain a lot.
        According to the Host of Heaven, many years ago, a split will occur that will result in an extreme negative polarity, and an extreme positive polarity world. There are definitely extremes of both present at this time, and both frequencies are repelling each other!

  2. That means that everyone in the FDA, who may have ok’d the Pfizer vaccine out of experimental status, can be held personally liable for crimes against humanity. If they were smart, they would reverse their decision very quickly, as the violation of this code carries the death penalty. Maybe some lawyers who have the balls should remind them of that!

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