Tonight’s reflection ~ My best one yet (and probably most important)!


Ok friends – I am getting a LOT of intuitive flow atm I want to share.

First we are watching Back to the Future II.  Ya’ll know we recently watched the first one.  #3 is on the way.

So tonight I am listening to Doc talk about time – and traversing the timeline.  He shows it as a constant – a continuum – as I have felt it to be.  However you can divert the flow to a second stream off the original.  Both timelines can continue.  If you are put onto the negative timeline (which is where we are now – and probably have been for who knows how long) – the positive timeline is still ongoing (with us trapped here).  I was actually understanding it as compared to when I saw these movies 30 years ago and it all went over my head.

Anyway, so as I am watching him do his speculating on his blackboard, I suddenly got something that felt powerful – I got dizzy – and said “give me a minute to process”.  This is what I said:

What IF we have two timelines playing out at the same time – which we know we do.  However, what IF Trump is time traveling on both timelines – going BACK in time to FIX the mess in which we are currently living in.  Those of us sensitive to this notice those “mandela effects” and deja vu’s which are nothing more than anomalies in the timelines.  God knows how many times we have been looped.  MANY.

This is war.  And each side is using the ability to see and traverse time – just like in back to the future part 2 and 3.  And the closer we get to the final merge, the crazier it gets and the more we FEEEEEL it in our bodies.

Are you with me?

So as I share this my mate says “OMG what you said is verbatim to that article you shared last night.”  (below)


What?  I didn’t recall reading THAT.  So he pulls it up – shows it to me again – and I realize I only read the top two paragraphs and saw the time clock face.  I did not see the writing below it (that begins “If you feel DJT should still be President….” – which I essentially had just said out loud.

I’m not done.

My mate is then still sitting at the computer – looking at the piece – and I’m helping myself to some cookies – stuffing them in my mouth – a bit grumbling because of the mood that was in this house earlier.  As I stuff a cookie (ginger – organic – oh so sweet) in my mouth and re-enter the living room, I pause – look off to my left – and I swear to you I FELT MYSELF off to my left (that sweet spot) to which I said “Ok so in the GOOD TIMELINE you – WE – are in – there are some things I ain’t taking with me!”  lol

My mate gets up – goes into the kitchen and says “OMG I just got something else!”  He then says “it is US on the other timeline guiding us HERE to get us back to the RIGHT TIMELINE”.  I jump up and told him “OMG guess what I JUST GOT that I haven’t told you yet.”  So I tell him what I had just experienced which I shared above.  He felt himself.  I felt myself too.

High five’s followed.

Doc and Marty are changing the timelines – changing the negative to get to back to the positive (future) – just like what is probably happening here in this “movie” – and when we arrive – THAT IS THE BOOM Trump/17 talks about.  And it will be INSTANTENOUS.

And we will be fully restored – FREE of their poisons – INSTANTLY.

Back HOME where we belong.  So it is possible those dreams so many of us have had of a totally different reality that feeeeeeels soooo good and natural – is us on the other timeline – waiting to merge with the us stuck here.

(So as far as the idea of us being on the outside trapped in pods – well that could just be a narrative evil has put into us to make us feel like we are trapped all around – totally powerless – when it is absolutely possible there is a part of us on the other timeline which we refer to as “on the outside” that is working HARD TO GET US BACK – which could explain why sometimes we feel so exhausted without explanation AND/or why sometimes we wake up feeling like we’ve been working all night.

The original hijack was evil – those dimensional criminals – who threw us into THEIR TIMELINE – here.  And we get out of this timeline AND this construct – and go back to Real Space and Real Stars.  Trump said to the Marine 1 Pilot on 1/20/21 – the next few months are going to feel uncomfortable.  But it ends with a BOOM.  It has felt uncomfortable because we are at the end – even though for so many of us we have felt uncomfortable throughout our entire experience living in their version of reality because we never stopped feeling we weren’t home – weren’t where we belong.  Just this year though it has increased in intensity in terms of discomfort – feeling squeezed – because we are actually being squeezed as those timelines come closer together energetically preparing to merge.

MERGE SIGN AHEAD.  Buckle Up!  (lol – just as I type this and say it out loud my mate says the same thing at the exact same moment).  

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p.s. ~ according to quantum string theory – the above theories are absolutely positively 100% possible.  That’s all folks ~ my mind is spent now.  




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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “Tonight’s reflection ~ My best one yet (and probably most important)!”

  1. That is all perfect, all makes more than enough sense. I’ve been aware of the 2 splitting timelines realization for a long while now; those choosing to raise to 5d and the others, due their willfully evil ignorance, stuck in 5d. I also refer to these as 3d/hell and 5d/Heaven. Yes I believe there can be hell (well, duh I suppose) and Heaven in Earth as we live in this life now. But with that said, I also ask, as the we merge back to where we, those of us that always knew, kept the faith, never fell for any of the crap up to including that the virus was never a virus at all but merely a name given to an evil agenda of trickery and control, as we are returned to our rightful reality, what about the rest? What about these chodes that fell for everything hook, line and fukin sinker? Those that followed all the ‘rules’ and by doing so had a judgemental holier than the rest attitude thus shaming others? Those that actively contributed to the problem instead of being part of the solution. Those that may try to go with the flow back to normal, but were the actual virus the entire time. It was these people that it was so easy for, because for them yes ignorance was bliss; for them in being told what to do and following the rules they actually thought they were making these decisions for themselves and in control of themselves, which is why it was so easy for them because the work was already done for them. Those that took the easy road, because they had ‘the powers that be’on their side so of course it was easy to back up an argument per se. So WHAT ABOUT THESE POS’S?????!!!! NO, it is NOT OK. I do not feel that they get to join us on the positive track back to the future. Yes they should be left behind, left on their track to writhe and suffer and figure out what happened and learn those lessons. Through all my skepticism and everything, I have never lost faith that things would return better than ever, but with said, I do feel and demand that it is not for everyone. Those chodes, as things progress, will attempt to move forward as if nothing happened, but I promise you that I will NEVER forget how they acted and what they did. And call bad, whatever, yes I DO hope that every last moron motherfucker that got the jab has horrible consequences, and they are left to deal with the poor decisions that they made. SO many people from this whole thing and everything around it need hd accountable and publicly punished for the rest of us to enjoy. So…..the future at this point is not for everyone.

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