Tonight’s Sky Capture ~ Cloudships….and some captures on the COR2…and a reflection


these “clouds” did not move.  i first spotted them around 5:30pm and they were still there as the sun was setting (another one decided to join in). other clouds of course slowly moved/changed positions- i watched as we had an onshore flow/wind.  so……they’re heeeeeeere (and i as wondering what they are dooooooooooing – so i asked….i didn’t feel anything, so i went inside and noticed there was a song on the music channel that said “here with you” then the song ended, a new one came on and i saw “clouds” in the album title….so perhaps that was a message)…..


and here are some recent captures on the COR2…a lot of activity coming from that object we call the “sun”…..all while the KP index remains low….


there is a lot of structure in this one:

other than that other-worldly weirdness, today i felt as though my head was, well, in the clouds.  again so sleepy – very hungry and equally as thirsty.  the feel continues that i cannot keep up w/all i need to do and i feel challenged to eat enough, drink enough AND sleep/rest enough.  i had several moments where talking was a challenge (giggles ensued).  eyes continue to feel heavy.  and yet in between i had moments where i felt amazing – up – quite happy and elated.

one new choice i have been employing is noticing when i am feeling tight or stressed somewhere – stop – then gently tape my upper legs, one at a time, in order to create a bi-lateral experience in my mind.  it’s very soothing and brings me back to the NOW moment.

which speaking of… mate and i were equally lamenting and laughing over our girl – how she bounces from one activity/thought/etc. to the next – with ease – and quite quickly.  that’s how kids are – beautifully equipped to simply be in the moment.  we spoke of how we are also innately able to do this – but having all of these “chores” to do each day takes us away from that experience.  add in the thoughts about ok how will we pay for this, what needs to be taken care of today….as my child says “and, well, yeah there ya go”…  as we stated – we could easily be in the moment if we had a self-cleaning house, replicator, full access to every one of our innate abilities then remove the pay to live system of enslavement and HECK YEAH – we’ll be in the moment with ease.

coming SOON to a NEW experience to you.  and you.  and you.  and you. and…..etcetcetc




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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “Tonight’s Sky Capture ~ Cloudships….and some captures on the COR2…and a reflection”

    1. the patent filed in 2016 for a tech that’s been there for decades….yeah when we the people have full access to EVERYTHING they withheld then i’ll get excited….these machines exist..obviously…lol

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