Trump Time Travel Miracle Explained REMASTERED (1 of 7)


“Wait until you find out who is talking to you…”  Could it be – Tesla?  John Trump?  I gotta tell you – Time Travel and Back to the Future are all over us lately.  On the Discovery channel today – it was all Back to the Future.  So it is getting stronger – the more I feel into time travel (the “it” being the synchs showing up).  I totally feel we can meet ourselves in another timeline – just as they show IN Back to the Future.  I feel it is absolutely possible that when I had that experience in July 2009 w/that beautiful orb craft in the sky that I was seeing me in the future – coming back to give me some much needed reassurance for at the time I was as low as I had ever been.  As I have said – the first thought I had was “that’s us from the future”.  The familiarity and sense of Home I felt at the time was unlike anything I had or have since experienced.

“They” lie to us about everything – including time travel and all that it entails.  We will know the truth soon enough.

Trump Time Travel Miracle Explained REMASTERED (1 of 7)

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

7 thoughts on “Trump Time Travel Miracle Explained REMASTERED (1 of 7)”

  1. Richard Citizen Journalist reports that the FBI bldg in DC is closed and boarded up. Good!!

  2. On the idea of time travel… back in 1971, my Mum divorced Dad and I moved with her from Scotland to England.

    After 6 months staying with one of her old school friends (her daughter and I have known each other all our lives – but unfortunately she has decided to support the leftist narrative).

    Anyway, Mum found a Victorian terrace house she liked in a reasonable area.

    We looked it over, including the back yard.

    While in the backyard, Mum and I both looked over the Victorian, glazed brick wall, into the neighbors yard (it was just dirt).

    I remember feeling the warmth of the wall top (it was glazed coving topped, and I had to stand on tip toes to see over it).

    A few months later we moved in. A couple of days afterwards we were in the back yard, and Mum and I both realized the brick wall was gone, a wooden fence in its place.

    A few days later we saw the neighbor, and Mum asked about the wall. He looked surprised, and told us he had never seen a wall, and he had lived in the property all his life – 63 years!

    Mum and I know we saw/felt that wall…

    Anyway, that summer we were digging the border by the fence, to plant flowers, and, guess what – about 10″ down were the rotted remains of a brick wall foundation – obviously they had been covered by soil for a long time for them to have decomposed that much.

    I think Mum and I time traveled, all be it in a limited area, and for only a few seconds.

    Perhaps a weak spot in time moved along that wall just as we leant against it – and we felt/saw sensations from the past. Whatever happened, we both experienced it.

    I know, not an Earth shattering event, but Mum and I still talk about it – it was memorable to us.

    I used to refer to it as the ‘ghost wall’, now, I think the ‘past-time wall’ is perhaps more appropriate.

    Your memory of the orb, jogged my memory of this brief event, and when memories pop up like that, I have started to pay attention to them – and what made them come to the surface – it’s all connected.

    1. WOW! well i would say that is an earth shattering event! now you have jogged my own memory – the british dude who teleported under his kitchen sink – met himself in the future. i gotta find that one! lol

  3. Not really related, but as I watched this video, I remembered that you once asked “and what comes, when the 1000 years of the Golden Age are over”? Well, we might know the answer better, than we might think!

    1. wait, i asked what comes after the 1000 years? that must’ve been another version of me cause i am definitely not buying the “you get 1000 years then it’s back to hell”. lol it’s freedom forever or bust for me – i ain’t doing these controlled prisons evah again.

      1. Haha, yes, you asked with that exact same sarcastic warrior mindset 😀
        I guess, that’s why I remembered it. Q was talking a lot about game theory and chess and in that analogy, it pretty much looks to me, that the first victory against Satan was only a stalemate, which isn’t a real victory, the black king is only trapped and unable to move, so a new game has to be played. This time tough, white is prepared for all the tricks. In modern chess tournaments, there is even a thing called Armageddon, when the two best players have the same number of points at the end! As much as I don’t like the thought of being in a “game”, it begins to make much more sense to me, than all that esoteric new age gobbledygook…

        1. absolutely it does make sense. a controlled game – although 17 says this is not a game but we are watching a movie. games are interactive. movies are far less so – you have actors and people watching the actors. hmmm… my mind thinking on that one my friend. lol

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