Wayshowers Message: “The Dragons are Coming”


editor’s note:  interesting as this is not the first time i have heard this, although it isn’t like they are coming for the first time but are merging back with us.  at least that is my feel.  very excited for this!  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]



Another piece of information today. I received this information through my ears/hearing. So not via third eye, dream time, vision or channelling or data download. It was audible, heard DIRECTLY through my ears. The message:

“They are coming…The dragons are coming”.

Please, if it resonates, remember this information.

I know many of us are connected to the dragons and received information and sight over the years. I too was shown a physical visual of a baby dragon in my caravan in late December last year. I was previously also shown and posted of a dragon that protects the TOR (Gaia’s heart chakra) since Winter Solstice 21 Dec 2018). But today’s info is VERY different, it’s about physical mass timeline.

So this message is about the CURRENT timeline, so information FOR US to know, be aware of… it is soon to come to pass in the physical plane, in THIS timeline of this ascension stage. And as always, it will most definitely play out in the most unexpected ways and unexpected time.

Shared with the magical love that abounds us all.

Amanda Lorence
2 July 2018

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.