What Is “Real?”


as we are (being told we are – and feeling we are) wrapping up this experience, i am pondering “what is real?”

i have been feeling out – a lot – the last few days on people – who is real and who isn’t.  who are the walk-ins, the soulless ones, the bots.  about an hour ago i had the thought “well they sure do seem to have the best jobs out there.  the most success.”  not a 100% solid, all-the-time statement, but that is my experience.  certainly these playing the walk-in role in this game have, as one of their roles, the “job” of keeping the truthseekers as silent and alone as possible.

my own experience has netted me this experience.  today i no longer care. well it isn’t that i don’t care ~ what’s a better way of describing ~ hmmmm…..i have more respect for Who I Am than i do with what any of the actors think/speak of me.  today i sent a friend to the lisa harrison youtube channel and told her to watch the latest video.  i have shared w/her information on the schumann and that’s about as deep as i have gone w/her.  but today i threw it all to the wind – thought “ok if she decides i’m total nuts so be it” – and sent her past the political and dark ick satanic rabbit holes and tossed her straight on down into the hole that says “all of this is fake.  it is ending. here’s the date.”

not saying she is an actor.  she is a beautiful soul – i see it.  open.  and i see in her a new awakening.

there have been actors though in my life ~ a lot i am now seeing.  and the “real” ones.  i had a real person once tell me i would never be allowed into the world of government social services (one of many dead-end pursuits “out there”).  why?  i was TOO REAL.  lol  i asked her to expand on that.  she said i was too passionate.  too open.  government agencies don’t want people like that, she said.

why not?  i inquired.  i didn’t get that.

because they don’t want to change things.  they don’t really want to help people the way people truly need.  she spoke of experience and said if it weren’t for her grant funded position, she would have been kicked out of that world (she ended up leaving, moving to europe and became a yoga teacher).


well obviously she was right.

today i see so much that no longer feels real.  the other night i was speaking with someone in the neighborhood.  this person has long felt “non-human” to me.  i find it sad.  i don’t want to hold that thought or the feel.  but i do. the other night i thought to give it another chance.  i greeted this person with a smile and a sincere desire to connect.  wow.  what i got in return as far as look AND energy was one that repelled me completely.  and i knew – within – knew, felt, you name it.  this being is one of the background, soulless ones.  serving a purpose of the matrix.

damn we see a lot of it now.  i am feeling it quicker than ever.  a recent video i watched spoke of this “lack of life” many of us are seeing.

and i know now – it is POINTLESS to share ANY of our truths with them. they will not snap out of their programming because they can’t.

this numbes of 10% being “real” as in heart-centered w/a soul – really bothers me.  i automatically go to the thought of “what happens to them once this is all over?  once we transition to real worlds, real experiences, freedom?”  do they cease to exist?

i want to know.  i feel ALL beings have the same right to freedom as i do. perhaps i am being naive.  probably an old program ~ the one that wants to “save/help” every being.  it has, as its companion, the program that has said “when i am kind, generous, honest to and with people, i will be treated the same in return.”  i am giggling a bit at that one ~ that last one has gotten me into trouble and caused far too much heart-hurts.

cancel clear them both.

so…….what is real?

what i come to – continue to come to – now – is consciousness.


it is a heavy concept to process ~ that so much of what we experience is fake.  not just illusion but downright, absolutely fake.  lie to the nth degree.

but what IS real is what’s right here (putting my hand on my heart/chest and patting it).  and what i intuit here (putting my hand on my core).  and those knowings and visions we get here (putting my hand between my eyes/on my lower forehead).

the gateways to consciousness.

for now, ya’ll probably have noticed i don’t post much spiritual stuff anymore.  i am feeling the need to just find and share personal stories and experiences.  experiences and insights from small channels.  i also know the political stuff, while playing a necessary role right now (a purging out of lower energies so ALL can be revealed), feels like a temporary distraction.  maybe even just another program.

i am laughing now.  i ponder “if this simulation is ending in a few weeks, what is going to happen to these things like the arrests, the new tech, financial prosperity packages, etc. etc.?”  seriously – would any of that really matter?

and if upon this transition we see that the vast majority are not “real”, again, how would that look w/all of the above changes going on in the now?

will it matter?

not if it isn’t real.

ok ~ ending this stream of consciousness.  time to rest the mind and body.

please share your thoughts if you feel the desire.




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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

5 thoughts on “What Is “Real?””

  1. That # bothers me too. 112m or .01% of the 10%. Whatever. Is it the souless leaving the planet in droves? No wonder it sometimes feels like solitary confinement & why i like dogs better lol.
    The layers of the onion continue to get peeled back…it is never ending, just like US. It can be daunting and exhausting.
    I find the political realm many times entertaining and lately somewhat amazing. #Walkaway!

    My goddaughters daughter recently visited. She is one of those kids being born today….she sees behind the veil with no effort. She saw her Aunt Debbie flying over the house (yay for me) and talks about Magic all the time. Don’t like to label but a crystal child. I can now relay that to her mother and my brother and they don’t think I’m cray cray.
    I am going to practice the souless thing more. Trolling the souless i call it. This is ALL such a game folks!
    With Honor & Reverence

    1. Wow, Deborah.

      Your comments have been such a refreshing read for me today. Your perspective. I have been feeling rather frustrated of late and I used to have the ‘game on’ perspective, but I lost it.

      Thank you, so much, for sharing.

      Goddess Bless and Namaste’

    2. oooh it is awesome you have such a beautiful soul child in your life. no accident there. 🙂 …. i too am still not so sure about that number ~ but damn it explains my experiences in this incarnation. so many new feels are arising – i am even wondering if kids toys are largely programs. i had the vision of seeing children playing w/dolls – and thought “well that is what we are to the matrix creators” (only little girls take better care of their dollies). i saw it as a representation.

  2. “i am laughing now. i ponder “if this simulation is ending in a few weeks, what is going to happen to these things like the arrests, the new tech, financial prosperity packages, etc. etc.?” seriously – would any of that really matter?”

    Well, if your computer restart when you in middle of playing some video games then what happen to the game?
    Its erased, you do not come back after system start again to the same point before, the current playthrough is deleted.
    I started my path of awakening from doom porn, shtf scenarios (end of world etc.) long time ago, but now I stoped to believe that there will be no need for financial reset. I even wrote about it:
    but now I do shifted in my perspective and I dont believe that it will ever come just like mass arrest. Why mass arrest will not happen? If the wave hit us then they will be forced to connect to their inner light, perhaps this will be extreme night of the soul for them. And if they hopless they will just explode from too much light. So why bother about them? Financial reset? Why the hell I need that when I can manifest fully, or have replicator in transition moment? IF I decide to stay here, not visit other galactic races.
    Nesara/Gesara, Barach Obama implementing it, those any remember that? What a huge joke right now, and back then people fighted for it with tooth and nail.

    I wonder what the next step we move from that perspective…

    1. totally resonate w/you. 🙂 i will check out your piece and link it here. i too began with the “shtf” stuff. couldn’t digest it so kept searching. and now, i have come to this place – seeing the illusion. the matrix. my programs (there are a lot – i could say most beliefs if not all are programs). and this inner knowing – the arrests, the $$, just doesn’t feeeeeel like it will matter.

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