Who is this at the WH in DC on this 17 day of September?


(You have to be on f.book to see this)

Today is the anniversary of the signing of the Original Constitution (9/17/1787) – that’s a lot of 7’s….Members of the Constitutional Convention signed the final draft.  Zoom in on this video captured by Nancy Drew/Kelly Brady (she has to have a few different names as social media has censored her) – who was there earlier today.  That definitely looks like Melania – and T too off to her left.  Interesting they showed up on this particular day.  Overseeing some signing’s perhaps?  We’ll see….



And here is a video she took of a very large motorcade today.  No way is that for JB.  He  never had this kind of detail around him.  T?  Yeah, that’s my feeeeel (and obviously hers too)…



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.