WIKILEAKS email reveals adrenochrome in wine


no words…..i stopped drinking alcohol a few years ago….at this point about the only beverage i trust is water that i purify in my home……i did a little bit of research on Stratfor (which is where the emails originate from – see below)….Stratfor is touted as a “geopolitical intelligence platform”….

“Stratfor bills itself as a geopolitical intelligence platform, with revenues derived from individual and enterprise subscriptions to Stratfor Worldview, its online publication, and from custom advisory work for corporate clients. Stratfor has published a daily intelligence briefing since its inception in 1996.” (source)

a heads up – the language in this is intense and just outright weird…


then there’s this:  (no wonder brad was quite upset at one of their monster award shows this year.  their ability to do their “business” is finished…)…

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.