Wise words from one of you awesome readers/friends


I am sharing this without permission – but it is in the comment section.  I love it so much – I had to pass it along.  SPOT.  ON.  Every.  Word.

(I told my girl tonight that the programs are dying and what happens when something that doesn’t give a hoot about anything other than its own survival do when it is being eliminated?  It fights back.  IGNORE it.  It ain’t us.  It is not OF us.  It tried to “get at me” today – and I felt my inner fight fade – overwhelm kicked in – so I got in the car and took off for a much needed purge and recenter – which I achieved.  I was guided to turn on the radio – when I did the two songs below played – back to back.  The last one was my theme song in my senior year.  That inner Light/Spark/Rebel is still there.  I just had to clear their lies and illusions about me to find her again. ATM it feels like I have to do this throughout the day now – but I know that is only an indication of the finish line – their end and OUR New (REAL) Beginning – without their influence.)  Love,  Victoria


So, I had another aha moment hit me over the Gollum thing and it gave me chills, so I thought I’d pass this on to y’all, for whatever it’s worth. It was how Gollum calls Smeagol “my love,” “precious,” and claims he “looks after and takes care of him.” And is quick to remind Smeagol that he was abandoned and nobody wants him, except Gollum.

OMG. That’s it. That’s how it works. Just like a narcissist goes after an empath, except it’s in your HEAD. So you think it’s “you.” 🤯 That’s what the inner Gollum (reptilian brain?) is doing.

* Step 1: Make you feel isolated, ostracized, totally alone. (Look how the Rona and division is making this worse even than it was – living alone in a dark “cave,” hid away from everyone, barely making ends meet, when you do encounter somebody they often reject you.) Then once you’re down…

* Step 2: Love-bomb like a narcissist during the honeymoon phase. Have you noticed all those channelings tend to start with “beloved” and “dear ones,” “we’re here to take care of you,” “just be patient, my loves” (straight up what Gollum’s script is in Two Towers and Return of the King! I just rewatched) – and of course we’re so lonely and starved for word from actual Home, and actual LOVE, it almost feels comforting to hear. Even with their endless delays and then guilt trips or misdirection when people wise up and ask tough questions. But it’s not REAL! So of course, when something REAL does show up we can get behind (like all our FEELS about going Home and the split and multiple confirmations/Frodo)…

*Step 3: Attack mode. The Gollum gaslights you, makes you doubt yourself and your real FEEL-ings, and hits you with the wound that got them in the door to start with: “You’re alone. Nobody wants you. Nobody cares about you. Nobody is coming to help you. Just give up.” To lower your vibration. To make you hopeless.

So, how do we win against Gollum? When Smeagol overcame Gollum for a while, is when he trusted Frodo. That someone did care and was there to help. He saw that he wasn’t alone, and started to see and choose the good in himself. So maybe that’s it? Trust in what we feel is REAL, and self-love? 🤷 And of course, telling Gollum to shut up and get lost. 😆



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

4 thoughts on “Wise words from one of you awesome readers/friends”

  1. Thanks for the share! 😁💕 If it helps anybody kick back at Gollum, it’s worth it!

    I know “they’re” mad at me for sharing what I did. I’d been having nightmares on and off, but last night pulled out all the stops. It got extremely personal. My original “false twin” love wound, betrayal, exhaustion, being robbed, being abandoned/left behind, being forgotten, people acting like I was crazy when I begged for help – it was all in last night’s attack. Of course, since I can fight back now by day, the cowards try and hit me while I’m asleep. They must be getting really desperate, to sneak and dump all that old junk on me at once. And somehow, I felt bodily there and was wearing my same nightgown as I was here, which I didn’t realize until I woke up. Well… If it was an attempt to intimidate me, it had the opposite effect. I’ve survived much worse. And it makes me more determined than ever not to let them win.

  2. Oh I love this one, it’s my language… Warrior language!
    A lightsaber does help tremendously, whenever you feel “their” presence and in dream time, of course!
    A determined GFYS as a last warning perhaps and then it’s showtime!
    It’s not always just “in your head”, they are very tricky…

  3. I love what you shared here about Gollum – been feeling like this- the gaslighting or even afraid to ask those hard questions because the fall out feels yucky. It feels like a constant circle of aloneness/belonging/questioning/aloneness again. I see so many of us feeling it right now, even while trying to stay positive.

    1. Ditto to that! Sometimes it’s better to be alone and give up, but unfortunately I still get the odd looks.

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