Would you speak to yourself like that? Would the Source within?


Today’s thoughts by Victoria for November 3, 2018

We’ve been having some discussions with our girl lately about the power of our mind, namely our thoughts.  Whenever she has a scary thought or something that otherwise takes away her power, her dad and I have been saying “You would not speak to yourself that way.  Choose a thought that feels like Love.”  We had such a conversation tonight.

Then about 20 minutes later, having a conversation with an online friend, I read their words ~ I have been told I will not ascend unless I give up eating meat.


I thought about this in my portal space (the shower) ~ felt it all out and had a new concept come to me:  ALL power over behavior and speak is nothing more than a child abuser.

We are the children.  This entire realm of controllers ~ the abusers.  (and yes we have all behaved like them at times now and then – that is part of the awakening experience)

Would WE tell ourselves we have to jump through a variety of hoops to get out of here?

Would WE tell ourselves we (essentially) have to go through hell to get to heaven?

Here ~ in this space where we have had our DNA hijacked, truth withheld, minds wiped.  I mean seriously – how can ANY authentic seeker of Truth possibly still fall for these narratives?

I asked myself – why does this trigger me?  Me ~ who tries to be neutral and observe as much as I am able (ha – I am quite intense if you have not yet noticed ~ but my intensity has pure intention).  So why does this trigger me?

Asking myself this seeking an honest answer I heard it quite simply ~ because I am listening to more abusive speak.  And I cannot have that.  I just can’t.  I won’t.  I won’t have it.

Would I ~ the human me ~ the ego included ~ ever tell myself I have to PROVE my worth by taking on a choice/behavior in order to get out of prison?  Out of a deceptive experience?


Would the Heart Me tell myself such speak?


Would the Source of Me speak the same?


It is time to END the abusive speak of the child abusers.  Which, for me, includes sharing this truth I hold whenever I feel drawn to ~ even if it means creating discomfort in other fellow new earth/truth seekers.

Earlier today I experienced such speak.  We are in need a necessary item for our home which is the responsibility of the owner.  So, I contacted the owner of our home and had to undergo the experience of being bullied with words by one who has a lot of money and that gives her power in this realm. Yes, local laws were violated and yes we could pursue that.  Hire an attorney. Go to court.  My mate and I have done that 3 times since being renter’s in our area and it is a stress ~ a hell ~ we have agreed to never take on again. Not in this corrupt system.  So instead I chose to play a game by engaging in a combination of kissing ass, relenting (today it was taking on an increase in rent) in order to keep a roof over our heads.

And YES I am upset about this.  Crazy upset.  But as I said – the stress of the only other option as allowed by this corrupt abusive system is simply something my family will not undertake.

The example I share ~ how is such power-over game any different than one who says “you won’t ascend if you eat meat”.  Or “you have to fully heal yourself in order to get out of here”.  Or “you have to master money” or “you have to remember who you are” or the one that gets me the quickest and most intense:  You aren’t going anywhere.  You made this mess.  You clean it up.

Yeah, try that with a child.  Child has a large group of friends who, without the child’s knowledge or consent, comes into the home, destroys it, beats the child, traumatizes the child, poisons it, lies and deceives then says “see ya.  You want out?  That’s up to you to remember.  To heal yourself.  To clean up this mess.  AND you have to prove to US your worth before you do.”

What parent would EVER speak to a child in such a manner?

And yet Source speaks to us this way?



Nowhere is Source speak in there.

Nowhere is Love speak in there.

Nowhere is Freedom speak in there.

I won’t allow any such conversation in my presence any longer…. for to allow such dialogue only continues to give the abusers more power.

And I feel – I KNOW – we can all agree they have had that title long enough.

That is all for now.




Hey everyone ~ as I mentioned above our rent is going up.  We had already been hit with a new expense plus the realization our income is going to take a hit beginning in December.  So please if you can find a few dollars to contribute when you can, I would DEEPLY appreciate it.  One day soon this pay to live game will be OVER and we can CELEBRATE.  Aaaaaand……. I will not have to grovel for money.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”confused” wrap=”i”][wp-svg-icons icon=”smiley” wrap=”i”]

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.